

Best Answer

The name of the chemical element is derived from the name of Albert Einstein, the well known physicist.

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Q: Where did the name einsteinium originate from?
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What element has 3 i's in its name?

Iridium, Einsteinium

What is einsteinium called einsteinium?

The name of the element einsteinium is derived from the name of the great well-known physicist of Jewish origin - Albert Einstein.

Who is einsteinium name after?

The name of the element einsteinium is derived from the name of the great well-known physicist of Jewish origin - Albert Einstein.

How did the element Einsteinium get is name?

The name of the element einsteinium is derived from the name of the great well-known physicist of Jewish origin - Albert Einstein.

Who gave einsteinium its name?

The name of the element einsteinium is derived from the name of the great well-known physicist of Jewish origin - Albert Einstein.

Why is einsteinium called that?

The name of the element einsteinium is derived from the name of the great well-known physicist of Jewish origin - Albert Einstein.

What was named after the theorizer of relativity curium or einsteinium?

The name of the element einsteinium is derived from the name of the great well-known physicist of Jewish origin - Albert Einstein.

What language did the element einsteinium come from?

The name of the element einsteinium is derived from the name of the great well-known physicist of Jewish origin - Albert Einstein.But the name Einstein is of German origin (one stone).

What is the odor of einsteinium?

Impossible to touch einsteinium - it is very radioactive !

Name two elements named after a person?

Einsteinium Rutherfordium

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What is einsteinium's flammability?

Einsteinium is not flammable.