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Regina, Saskatchewan

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The trial of Louis Riel took place in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada in 1885. Riel was charged with high treason for his role in the North-West Rebellion. He was ultimately found guilty and sentenced to death.

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What does last date for trial mean?

The last date for trial is the final scheduled date for a legal trial to take place, after which a decision or verdict will typically be rendered. It is the deadline by which the trial proceedings must be completed, including presenting evidence and making arguments. Failure to complete the trial by this date could result in legal repercussions.

Did Jack Ruby go to trial?

Yes, Jack Ruby went to trial for the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald, who was accused of assassinating President John F. Kennedy. Ruby was found guilty of murder and sentenced to death, but the verdict was later overturned on appeal. He died of a pulmonary embolism before a new trial could take place.

How many hours does a lawyer take to prepare for trial?

The amount of time a lawyer takes to prepare for trial can vary depending on the complexity of the case. On average, lawyers typically spend anywhere from 20 to 50 hours or more preparing for trial, including conducting research, gathering evidence, preparing witnesses, and developing legal arguments.

Did the fugitive slave act take away a slaves right to trial by jury?

Yes, the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 allowed slave owners to reclaim their escaped slaves without due process, including the right to trial by jury. This made it easier for slaveholders to apprehend and return fugitive slaves.

Where does the prohibition take place?

The prohibition era in the United States took place between 1920 and 1933. It was a nationwide constitutional ban on the production, importation, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages.

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What year did Riel Rebellion take place?

There were actually two uprisings led by Louis Riel in what are now Manitoba and Saskatchewan: The Red River Rebellion of 1869 and the Northwest Rebellion of 1885.

What happened to Louis riel after red river rebellion?

After the Red River Resistance, Louis Riel spent most of the following 15 years in the USA. He was elected to the House of Commons three times, but was never allowed to take his seat. In 1885, he returned to lead the Northwest Rebellion, after which he was tried for treason, found guilty, and hanged.

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The Scopes Trial took place in Dayton, Tennessee from July 10 to July 21, 1925.