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Blitz is the German word for lightning.

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Q: Where did the word blitz come from?
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What country does the word blitzkrieg come from?

Its German Word and means Lightning (Blitz) War (Krieg)

What is another word for the blitz?

The word Blitz comes from the German word blitzkrieg, or "lightning war".

How was the blitz called the blitz?

The name blitz came from the word blitzkrieg which was the German way of saying lighting war. So the word blitz comes from lighting war.

Where does the name Blitz come from?

The surname Blitz comes from Germany. It comes from the German word plotz which is a type of fish. It was often the name of a person who was a fisherman or who was thought to have looked like a fish.

When did the blitz come to a end?


Where does the world blitz come from?

from beyblade

What does the word blitz mean and where does it come from it come from ww2?

The word blitz is German for lightning. It was originally used to describe a new German tactic of rapid , all-conquering invasion which was called blitzkrieg or lighting war. When the Germans started to bomb British cities the British used the word blitz jokingly to describe the nightly raids of German bombers which killed thousands, mostly women and children, and destroyed huge areas of Londons crowded East End.

What colors does the Verizon Wireless Blitz come in?

The Verizon Blitz comes in colors...Blue and Orange.

What do the German call the blitz?

Blitz is the German word for Lightning: Blitzkrieg being Lightning War.

Can you make a alliterative sentence with the word blitz?

Big Beefy Boys Brutally Blitz Babies

Where was blitz takes place?

All over Britain it was called the blitz as a nickname for Blitzerieg a German word!

What does the word blitz mean from world war 2?

Blitz in WW2 was an intensive campaign of aerial bombing.