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Q: Where do Jews plan to spend eternity?
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What happens if you kill clarence?

You will spend eternity talking about Jesus.

How much is internet on the samsung eternity?

Through AT&T, the cost of a data plan for a phone like the Eternity is $15.

Do Christians understand the death of Jesus as a ransom?

Yes. He died on the cross for the sins of the world, and all you have to do is believe in him to spend eternity in heaven. He ransomed us from having to spend eternity in hell. You are on the right track

What is most important decision you will make?

Where you will spend eternity is generally accepted to be that question.

Why do you choose to follow god?

People choose to follow God so that they can spend eternity with Him.

Why did Bella from Twilight want to become a vampire?

She loved Edward, and wanted to spend eternity with him.

How much does the samsung eternity cost to add to an existing plan?

If your plan is eligible for an upgrade, you can purchase the Eternity for $149 with a $50 mail in rebate for another two-year contract. To purchase it without an additional contract is $399.

What was the plan to the kill all the Jews?

The 'Final Solution' was the plan to kill all of the Jews under the Nazi yoke.

What does Iraq depend on?

That G W Bush will be impeached and sentenced to death and then spend eternity in hell

What was the plan for the Jews?

It appears that the early plans were to get the Jews out of Germany, not genocide.

Do the Samsung eternity have internet?

The internet is available on the samsung eternity, but in order to get it without paying ridiculous charges, I'd suggest purchasing a data plan through AT&T.