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On all former territories previously owned by Mexico until the Mexican-American War (1846 - 1848), including California, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Utah and Nevada. There is also a sizable Mexican population in both Illinois and New York.

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Q: Where do Mexican immigrants like to settle in America?
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How were Mexican immigrants treated the 1800s?

they were treated like all the other European immigrants that came to America. (but mostly treated unfairly)

Why did Mexican immigrants settle in Texas?

At first, early American settlers came to Texas because of either for personal gain or the sense of adventure, even though Texas was spanish territory at the time. But later, when cars and other gas guzzling vehicles came into practice, the reason was for oil farming and steel.

Where do most immigrants land?

They like to settle in cities not in the outback.

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no it was not the Germans. Germans moved to states like Ohio,Illinois,Indiana. However, The Irish were the ones to settle in New York. Not just that but Philadelphia, Boston.

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Where do immigrants usually settle in the us?

In Coastal cities, like New York or Miami, or LA

When did immigrants for Europe come to America?

because they felt like it

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cuz they felt like it son

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There are many locations where immigrants like to settle in the US. The top two US cities are Miami Florida and the San Jose or Silicon Valley area of California.

Why did immigrants come to America in the 2000s?

beacuse they felt like it you got a problem.