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Kenny Chesney and Tim McGraw were arrested in Buffalo, NY after Chesney ran away with a Mounted Reserve deputy's horse and McGraw attacked deputies that tried to corral him.

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Q: Where do you get a police report of someone who was arrested?
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Can you be arrested if someone files a police report on you?

It depends on what crime you have been accused of. And yes, if someone files a report on you they can arrest you with evidence for a minimum of 48hours even if the report turns out wrong.

Can someone file a police report without any base?

It depends on the jurisdiction. However, police investigate any reports they are given, and if lying can be proven, you can be arrested and charged with filing a false police report.

How do you get a copy of police report filled by someone else?

Can I get a copy of someone else's police report

What if you are arrested due to a untrue police report?

If you are arrested due to an untrue police report, the person that made the report can be arrested and charged with filing a false police report. You would in turn be the victim in the case. The police may or may not need you as a witness in the false report case. You may also have grounds to sue the person that made the false report in civil court. Remember that even if the person is found not guilty in criminal court, they can still be sued.

How can you stop your son from stealing money?

File a police report and have him arrested.

Is it legal to call 911 with a false police report what is my recourse?

No, it is not legal to call 911 with a false police report. You could be arrested for doing that.

How can you get someone arrested for doing drugs?

call the police.

How can you get someone arrested for dealing drugs?

Report the activity to your local law enforcement - you may not see any immediate action, but believe me, if they have a hint that something illegal is going on they will put surveillance on it or put an informant inside.

How can a person become a police officer if he was arrested for giving a false report to a police officer previously?

Is it an offence to give a false report to a peace officer, and what does a peace officer do????

What do you do when someone files a false police report in California?

Filing a false police report is a criminal offense. If you know of someone who has done this, you should notify a police agency, preferably the one where the false report was filed.

Do police handcuff when someone is arrested?

Yes, almost universally.

How can you get someone arrested for stealing cash money from you?

call the police