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You can try this : Dig about 1-2 feet in sand. Now cut upper half section of any plastic bottle and put lower part in the dug hole. Now cover this by a polythene sheet and put sand on outer boundary to make the sheet steady. Now the water content of air would start depositing on the inner part of polythene. Also make middle of the polythene slightly downward to bottle so that the water droplets would directly fall inside the bottle. this trick I saw on a programme of Discovery channel.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

Millions upon millions of people around the world live in deserts and the vast majority (over 99%) live in cities and towns where food is readily available in stores and markets or restaurants. I live in the Chihuahuan Desert and have a Wal*Mart SuperCenter a half mile from my home where I can purchase nearly any food I desire. There are also a number of restaurants and fast food establishments within a short walking distance of my home. For those who live far from a town or city, many of them grow at least part of their own food and purchase other food items when they make an occasional trip into town to stock up on supplies.
My home also has indoor running water but I am also able to purchase bottled water at the Wal*Mart close to my home. The same is available to most others who live in deserts.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

The main source of water is rainfall. However, rainfall is very rare and occasional. There are also small patches of water bodies in the desert called oases.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

From the inside of cacti, or they can find the nearest water source (if any)

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βˆ™ 12y ago

it rains and there is crater and the rain fills it up and there you have it lake

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βˆ™ 8y ago

Water can be found in an oasis, at rivers and streams that pass through a desert and, in some areas, not far below the surface of the desert.

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βˆ™ 4y ago

from the ground

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Q: Where do you get drinking water in the desert?
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What is the water that is available for drinking in the desert?

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camels can last for days with out drinking water.

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The animals in the Sahara desert survive by drinking lots of water and staying cool in the shade.

Where can you find drinking water in the desert?

Water can be found in rivers that pass through a desert or in an oasis where a spring or well provides water. Forget about the myth about drinking water from a cactus. Water is found in the spongy tissue of many cacti but it is really not drinkable. Besides that, many cacti contain toxins that can cause hallucinations or serious illnesses.

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Traveling in the desert requires one to know the desert pavements.

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Camels are just one of the many animals that live in the desert. They can last long periods of time without drinking water.

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Is the same thing produce dehydrated in our body , but in an osmotic desert had the influence the environment too

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While many desert animals can live on the water contained in their food, it is reported that the Desert Hedgehog prefers to live in an oasis or coastal area. So it would seem that it enjoys having drinking water available.

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they have adapted in life by drinking water and to be safe

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The ONLY water a Bearded Dragon needs - is for DRINKING ! They are a DESERT species - they don't need to be bathed - or have water to 'play' in !

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Nearly all animals require drinking water in the desert. However, some are able to survive by extracting water from the food they eat and by having very efficient excretory systems that waste little water. However, a desert is arid and not semiarid. Grasslands are frequently semiarid.