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Q: Where do you go to get DNA testing done to prove im native American?
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Are there any bloodline tests available your true out there to provide your true ethnicity information I have been told by family that I may have Samoan and or Native American in my blood?

DNA testing would need to be done I suppose

How can fair testing be done?

the fair testing will done if you want to done

How is diagnosis done in Native American medicine?

Native American healers have several different techniques for diagnosing an illness. These may include a discussion of one's symptoms, personal and family history

Which testing is done to validate the entire product?

system testing

What is rigorous software testing?

After we are done with coding we do testing . Rigorous means extreme so we can say rigorous testing is one which is done in extreme conditions.

What is the native American meaning of Waleska?

I'm unaware of a Native American word of even close to this one. The little research I've done seems to indicate that "Waleska" is a German / Polish word or name meaning "Strong." I've left this in the Native American category in case someone else may know of a word that is close to it.

What is the only American lizard?

Having done a quick search on the web - there are at LEAST six species of lizard native to America !

What is the difference between block box and white box testing?

White box testing or unit testing: To do white box testing, knowledge of internal logic code is required. It is mostly done by developers.Black box testing: The functionality of an application is tested; logic code is not required. This testing is done by testers.Block box or system testing: Testing the application without knowledge of underline code of the application. it is done by the testers.

Where is BRCA testing done?

It's usually done in hospitals.

Where there any native American tribes that made Alaska there home?

The Tribes that made their home in Alaska were the Aleuts, Alutiiq, Cupik, Yupik, and Inuit peoples. But they were not of American heritage so they were'nt Native American. Though I haven't done alot of reasearch on this subject I hope this was usefull to you.

What research has been done on Native American medicine?

There has been no formal scientific research conducted on Native American healing practices. Medicine people do not write down their practices out of fear that they might be misused by people who are not trained in their sacred ways.

How much does it cost to get a paternity test done in Arlington, Texas?

You can pop into a DNA clinic and have the testing done for about $100. While the results might satisfy your curiosity, they will not be admissible in court. Paternity testing must be court-ordered and performed under the required guidelines to be valid. If you need to prove paternity for a court case, let the court order it and take care of it.