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The master cylinder is hidden near the firewall on most years of caravan. Open the hood and look on the right side of the engine compartment. At the rear of the compartment you will see a white plastic reservoir with a yellow cap or a black cap with yellow lettering. The cap should have the words DOT3 or DOT4 on it.. The reservoir is hidden low and under the firewall with a remote spout coming forward and up so you can access it.

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Q: Where do you put the brake fluid in a dodge caravan?
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You put brake fluid in the brake fluid reservoir on a 1998 Dodge Stratus. This is located on the master cylinder, under the hood, on the driver's side.

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The fluid goes down the dipstick tube.

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Down the dipstick tube.

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No, you should not put anything except power steering fluid in. You can on systems such as my dodge caravan, where atf is the factory recommended fluid.

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You get a funnel with a hose on it, put the hose where the dipstick goes and slowly pour your tranny fluid in to it. BE SURE NOT TO OVERFILL!!!!

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Mopar ATF+4 Do not use dextron.

Where do you put brake fluid in a dodge neon?

in the brake fluid reservoir usually located under the hood. If you are unfamiliar with this are as it sounds you are I would take it to a local jiffy lube or mechanic where they have some idea about what to put in and where to put it.

Where do you put the brake fluid in a 1999 Dodge Caravan?

The brake master cylinder container is (usually) clear/transparent and mounted under the hood on drivers side rear near the firewall and marked with fill lines. Pop the top off and fill accordingly with dot 3 (regular) brake fluid.If you are losing brake fluid on a regular basis, get it checked out. Good luck.

Where put brake fluid in 1997 Dodge Intrepid?

Resevoir against firewall at driver's side

How do you put brake oil back into the caliper of a 96 dodge caravan?

You pop the cover of the brake fluid resevoir, fill it, and then replace the cover. Then, you loosen the "pip" on the caliper with a very small wrench. Then, you have somebody pump their foot on the brake pedal until you are sure that there is no more air in the brake line. Brake fluid will be squirting out through the pip. On the final pump of the brake pedal, they have to hold their foot on the pedal while you tighten the pip! Then, you might want to refill the brake fluid resevoir.

How much brake fluid do you put in 1999 dodge caravan?

tell u fill the reservoir don't need to add brake fluid unless u have a leak...if your brake fluid is low but not full that means you could have worn pads and there is no need to add brake fluid....if u have bad pads u will hear a scraping noise...if the brake pedal is spongy like soft you could have air in the lines and needs to be bled...there could b more problems but that's the basics

Where do you put the brake fluid in your car if you have a 1990 Dodge Dynasty?

in the master cylander fluid resevoir,which is located under the hood on the front of the brake booster, generally on the drivers side