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in the chloroplast

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Q: Where does carbon dioxide gas production happen within the mitochondria or chloroplasts?
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Which two cycle are linked by the production and utilization of carbon dioxide where do these cycles occur?

The Calvin Cycle in Photosynthesis and The Krebs Cycle in Cellular Respiration. The Calvin Cycle occurs in chloroplasts and The Krebs Cycle occurs in the Mitochondria.

What cell organelle makes sugar from carbon dioxide oxygen and water?

Chloroplasts are the organelle in plant cells that produce sugar and oxygen from carbon dioxide and water through photosynthesis.

What is created from mitochondria?

In the mitochondria water and carbon dioxide is created

What do the chloroplasts of a green plant use carbon dioxide for?

Carbon dioxide is the source of carbon. It is reduced to glucose

What do the chloroplasts a green plants use carbon dioxide four?

The chloroplasts trap sunlight energy and use this to turn Carbon Dioxide and Water into Sugar.

How is mitochondria related to oxygen and carbon dioxide?

Mitochondria uses oxygen and releases carbon dioxide all within the process of cellular respiration.

What are differences between the mitochondria and chloroplast?

Chloroplasts use visible light to fix carbon (obtained from carbon dioxide) into sugars. They are found in plants as well as small organisms.Mitochondria break down simple sugars into carbon dioxide and create energy in the form of ATP and NADPH.the mitochondria change chemical energy stored in food into compounds that are more convenient for the cell to use while the chloroplast is the only organelle that can trap the energy of sunlight and convert it into chemical energy.

Carbon dioxide is produced where in the cell?


What are the functional differences between chloroplasts and mitochondria?

Chloroplast are found in plant cells and use the sunlight to break down carbon dioxide and water into oxygen, glucose and water. Mitochondria is found in animal cells and breaks down glucose and oxygen into carbon dioxide, heat energy and water.

What are the functions of the mitochondria and chloroplasts What do these two organelles have in common with one another?

The chloroplasts are found in oxygen-releasing organisms (mostly plants), and transform carbon dioxide, which animals exhale, and sunlight into their own sugars for food and oxygen as a byproduct. The mitochondion is an organelle that transforms oxygen into carbon dioxide. The two work hand-in-hand, for animals need the plants' oxygen and plants need the animals' carbon dioxide, a cycle.

What process turns food and oxygen into ATP carbon dioxide and water?

This occurs in the chloroplasts through the process of photosynthesis.

What produes carbon dioxide?

Humans and animals produce carbon dioxide (CO2). They breath in oxygen, and in the mitochondria of cells, it creates carbon dioxide.