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Massive Love Beutifull Question: The land talked about in the Geneses should provide this unswer because identity is charactorised by Land, Language and Culture. The Four Rivers (that can be found in the Afrikan Continent) should give geographical clues, the Adamic (Agrarian) Culture should give some pointers in lifestyle and the Language (Hebrew) the Book was originaly written by should give some clues. The great slave trade that Moses talked about when he said people are going to be taken as Bondman and Women by SHIPS back to Egypt(Remember he could not say America because his experience was with Egypt' Who was sold as slaves by ships? When Jesus said those in the Towns of Judea must flee for a great and mighty nation comes from the north to destroy them. North of Judea is Europe. Who is forever chased by Europe? When the prophets said and I'm paraphrasing here 'They shal come and posses your lands and you shal be the tail and they shal be the head and you shal depend upon them for survival'...Who's history is this? Infact who's present predicament is this? When Joseph came to Egypt he was mistaken for an Egyptian by some girls... How Come? Massive Love

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Q: Where does it talk about identity in the Bible?
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