

Where does luck originate from?

Updated: 10/24/2022
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16y ago

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==new answer== The common usage of the term luck has gained momentum over time through the mis-understanding or ignorance of the laws that govern the universe. Since I have been schooled in how the mind works so that I have a little more than a basic understanding of mind, I can tell you that there is no such thing as luck. Everything is caused. Thought is cause and effect is it's manifested likeness. "As a man thinketh, so is he" is literally true. Most people are unaware that they cause their own experiences because they do not remember the thoughts that created them. As I did the concentration and meditation as well as many other exercises over a period of time, I began to see the connection and so can any one else who is willing to put in the effort. The process does require a teacher, however. If you are interested in further questions along these lines, I'll give you a good starting place through a link.

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