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Sarcolema receptors

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Q: Where does the acetylcholine released for muscle contraction bind?
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What is the role of acetylcholine in skeletal muscle contractions?

acetylcholine as far as i know is a neurotransmitter that ativates the mscle cells.

What effect will organopesticides have on muscle tissue?

Organopesticides will increase the severity of muscle contraction beyond normal conditions. Acetylcholine esterase inhibition will allow a more than normal amount of acetylcholine to bind to receptors.

What is the chemical transmitter released at the neuromuscular junction?

The neurotransmitter acetylcholine is released into the synaptic cleft to bind with receptors on muscle cells. Upon binding, the muscle cells contract.

What effect does Curare have on muscle tissue?

It blocks the nicotinic cholinergic receptors on the muscle that normally bind the acetylcholine released by the motor neuron.

What is the role of the triad in muscle contraction?

Once a triad has been achieved, Calcium ions get released. Once they're released they bind to troponin, which helps begin muscle contraction.

What binds acetylcholine and induces muscle contraction?

Acetylcholine is released at the neuromuscular junction and binds to a nicotinic receptor, causing an action potential to fire down the T tubules. The voltage change from this is sensed by the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum which then releases Ca2+ ions into the cytosol. The Ca2+ ions bind to troponin which moves tropomyosin from the active sites of the actin filament. Once the active sites are revealed, myosin quickly forms a cross bridge and begins contraction.

What prevents acetylcholine from accumulating in the neuromuscular junction?

The presence of an enzyme called acetylcholinesterasethat degrades acetylcholine is what prevents an accumulation of the neurotransmitter and sustained muscle contraction. Acetylcholinesterase is an enzyme that can be found within the neuromuscular junction. Thus, when a nerve impulse causes the release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction, there is a critical time in which the neurotransmitter can bind to receptors on the muscle before it is degraded.

What is the role of calcium ions in muscle contraction?

They bind to regulatory sites on troponin to remove contraction inhibition

When myosin cross bridges bind to actin what happens?

Muscle contraction results

What do Muscarinic receptors bind?


What does calcium bind to in smooth muscle contraction?

Calcium binds to the messenger protein Calmodulin. The calcium-calmodulin complex then activates myosin light chain kinase (MLCK), which phosphorylates myosin to allow it to bind to actin - producing contraction.

What Steps in muscle contraction require calcium ions?

Calcium ions bind to troponin, changing troponin's shape