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Numbers 21:8 & 9

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Q: Where in the Bible were people told to look at a pole with a snake on it?
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What does the snake on the pole lacing string design look like?

It looks like the design on the back of an ambulance

Why there is a snake in medical?

That dates back to early Judeo-Christian mythology. In one of the Old Testament stories, snakes were sent out to chomp the Israelis for some slight or another against their god. Moses was then instructed to craft a snake and put it on a pole. And anyone who was chomped simply had to look at the snake and pole, and they would be cured.

What in the bible travels from pole to pole?

Nothing. Bible says that earth is flat, and thus it can't have poles.

The symbol of the art of medicine?

The symbol of medicine in the USA is the a snake entwined around a pole. The American Medical Association adopted it early in its formative years. It is based upon the Judeo-Christian biblical story found in the book of Numbers where God instructed Moses to mount a bronze image of a serpant on a pole to be held up for the people to look upon in order to be healed after he had struck them with a plague for their rebellion and complaining.

Was there a pole shift mentioned in bible?


What image did Moses place on a pole to look upon as a cure for snake bites?

American King James Verson: 'And the Lord said to Moses 'Make a fiery serpent and set it on a pole and it shall come to pass that every one that is bitten when he looks on it shall live.' Moses either free-carved a serpent or carved the shape of serpent into the pole.

What does it mean to see a snake up a pole?

Snakes can climb, so it really does not mean a thing.

Mose put the image of certain creature on pole and when the Israelites looked at it they were headed what was it?

It was a wooden snake.

Do people do namaz in North Pole?

No people live at the north pole

What is the bad luck symbol?

crossing your fingers represents the snake on a flag pole which is very bad luck.

What is the meaning of the south pole and north pole in the equator?

The Equator is exactly between the North Pole and the South Pole. Look on a map of the world or on a globe.

Is slippery as a snake personification?

No, this is a simile. Personification is where you give an object life-like or human features. For example, if you say "The bars on the pole stretched out," this is giving the pole the ability to stretch.