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Depending on the age, breed, and type of cattle, as well as climate, weather conditions, time of year, and where they are fed, cattle can be kept on the pasture or range, in a drylot, in a barn or in a pasture or drylot with access to a shed. Range cattle are pretty good at taking care of themselves, provided they have enough feed and enough trees to take shelter under if the weather is not great.

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Q: Where is a good place to keep cattle?
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Are cattle gates a good investment for your farm?

Cattle love roaming, thus cattle gates are the perfect solution for those who want to contain cattle within a boundary. Cattle gates will keep the cattle inside, preventing them from escaping and invading your neighbors' farm or property.

What men moved cattle from place to place?

The men that move cattle from place to place are called ranchers or cowboys. They live on ranches.

Will a cattle guard keep goats in?

Cattle guards should definitely keep goats in. There have been instances where these cattle guards have been used and been successful.

Is the farmer responsible for checking that the cattle are secure in the field?

Yes. If the farmer owns cattle, then he or she is responsible for checking fences regularly to make sure that the fences are in good working order to keep their cattle in. Fences should be designed so that cattle cannot get out easily, and regular maintenance will assure that cattle are secure in their field or pasture.

Why were cow towns good?

They were a place where cattle could be bought and sold, and also a place for rest and relaxation (among other things...) for the cowboys that herded them there.

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Cattle thieves or rustlers are people who steal other people's cattle and sell them for a profit or keep the cattle for themselves.

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How do you keep a gun in good condition?

Keep it clean, lightly oiled, in a dry place.

Who did a good thing with the cattle drive?

Yes. Who did do a good job with the annual cattle drive. Were you there to witness it?

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Where can a person find a sale on cattle trailers?

The best place to find sales on cattle trailers would be local ads in newspapers. Another good place would be to go to local businesses that sell cattle equipment, if they businesses themselves don't have a sale, then there will probably be a bulletin board with people listing sales of their own trailers.