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There are many causes for sudden leg cramps. A more common cause is sitting, standing or having legs in an awkward position for a long period of time. Cramps can also be caused by dehydration as well as lack of potassium or calcium in the body. Massaging the cramp until the pain fades and hot packs are helpful, but if it become too frequent ask a doctor.

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Does lack of sleeping causes leg cramps?

yes it does

What causes lower stomach cramps diarrhoea constipation upper leg cramps?

possibly dehydration, drink water

What causes leg cramps?

the cause of leg cramps is the tightening of the muscles in your leg and it really hurts it is painful it can wake u up in the middle of the night and it is not pleasant

Could a heating blanket cause leg cramps at night?

A heating pad can be used to help with the leg cramps, not usually causing them. There is lots of information on the internet about leg cramps. A few things to try would be some simple stretching and exercises before bed and drink lots of water.

What foods can prevent leg cramps?

As common causes include shortage of potassium and calcium, try a banana milkshake.

Can drinking water prevent nighttime leg cramps?

Dehydration can be a cause of leg cramps therefore, drinking water can help to prevent them. Sitting for long periods of time and not getting enough potassium can also cause leg cramps.

Can taking Aleve cause leg cramps?

Yes, it causes leg cramps for me. It does wonders for my arthritis and other aches and pains. But, after a few days, I will wake up in the middle of the night with leg cramps, usually on the inside of my thighs - even sometimes in both legs at the same time. I try to take potassium. This seems to help.

What can you do when getting bad leg cramps-?

Stretching and massaging the leg can help in getting rid the cramps.

What causes severe leg cramps in the upper part of the legs and into the stomach?

I don't know what causes these leg cramps but, when you get them you can take a teaspoon full of yellow musturd and in a few seconds the cramp will start letting go. It just happened to me last night and my husband gave me musturd and it worked. The soreness is still there but the cramp was gone.

Can Mobic cause leg cramps?

Leg crampsLeg cramps has been reported by people with low density lipoprotein abnormal.

How long do leg cramps last after your period ends?

Leg cramps have absolutely nothing to do with menstruation. If you have leg cramps it may be due to increased activity or strain on your legs, if it continues for more than a week see your doctor.

How can you stop leg cramps?
