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Q: Where is the best treatment for skin diseases like vitilgo psoriasis in Bangalore?
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When did Michael Jackson get vitilgo?


Is there a treatment for vitilgo?

topical steriod therapy psoralen photochemotherapy(topical/oral) In surgery- skin grafting (its an expensive affair) The best result is through- ALTERNATIVE medicine - Homeopathy

What are the demographics of vitilgo?

Vitiligo affects all races and both sexes equally, although it is more noticeable in individuals with darker skin. It can develop at any age, but most commonly starts before the age of 30. Around 50% of cases occur in individuals under the age of 20.

Is vitilgo common?

No, this is not a common skin disease, however, it affects all races.

What problems did Michael Jackson overcome in his career?

Vitilgo those spots are the skin that still has pigment in them. He were make-up to try to cover it up until it stopped so that's why he always were pants and long sleeved shirts. He never bleached his skin before.

Did Michael Jackson have a virtigo?

He just came up with it but not as in lie he just woke up and I bet he didn't know what it was so he went to the docter and had him checked up and just for the record I am saying this from my heart.

Is there cure for pityriasis lichenoides chronica in ayurveda?

There is no "cure" for vitiligo there are treatments such as UVA light and other such treatments but they are not guaranteed to work. The larger area the vitiligo covers the more difficult it is to treat it because there are so few treatments. (It also depends where you are as too what treatment you are given or you can get.) Dubia has good treatments I hear. The UK also has some good cover creme and other treatments.The person who said that there isnor sure is wrong. There is no disease uncurable in this health world. There is a herbal formula which works at its best to relieve the symptoms of vitilgo. Pigmento tablets are the blessing of ayurveda that is being created after extensive researches done by well renowned Ayurvedic doctors and research scholars. Pigmento is extremely effective in treating problems like leucoderma, white patches, virtiligo and uneven pigmentations that is making you appear bad and exceptional among many.I am an MD {AYURVEDA} and there is very effective treatment of Vitiligo in Ayurveda. Blood Purifiers : As Svitra (Vitiligo) is a disease of Rakta Vikrati(Auto immune disorder)Therefore blood purifying drugs like Curcuma longa ; Eclipta Alba ;Tinospora Cordifolia ; Hemidascus indicus; Acacia catechu; Acaranthes aspera are used to redress the blood morbidity. B. Ras Aushadhi (Herbo-mineral drugs): it includes chiefly Ras Manikya, Taal Sindur, Sameer Pannag Ras, and Talkeshwar Ras. These drugs act like an Immuno Supressant and usually used in those patient where spread of disease is very fast to arrest the spread of disease. TAMRA Bhasm; KASHISH Bhasm; are also used to initiate repigmentation.After initiation of repigmentation; treatment must be continued till the desired complete repigmentation of all the lesions is achieved. But some stubborn lesions especially of mucosal surface of palms and fingers tips; sometimes respond very poorly or incomplete. These residual re-pigmented area can be subjected to camouflage. This paste, made from Mehndi (Henna) leaves, is applied to the affected area. It is made from root of Plumbago Zeylenica in absolute alcohol and is painted over skin. This imparts natural colour which last for two or four days.I have cured a number of Vitiligo / Leucoderma / white patches cases with the help of newly invented Ayurveda scanning technology, known as Electro Tridosha Graphy ; ETG AyurvedaScan system. Treatment basing on the line of the findings of the ETG AyurvedaScan Report cures from the internal to perifery.In my cases , I have seen that most of the patients suffering from internal disorders, which are not traceable and the physican makes mistakes to cure the deviation of the health, unknowingly because of the lack of correct diagnosis.ETG AyurvedaScan provides a correct picture of the patient and thus correct diagnosis selects the right drugs to cure the Vitiligo or any ailments.Yes, it takes a time say, few months to one or two years for total cure, but cure is certain snd promised.

Why was Michael Jackson so messed up?

First of all, Michael had a skin condition called vitiligo, which causes the skin color to change and blotch. Michael also was often teased because of his nose in his younger years so when he had surgery after breaking his nose he decided he would have it made smaller.