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it is secreted by the pancrease.

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Q: Where is the lipase secreted and what does it digest fats into?
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Where is the enzyme screted and what does it digest fats into?

the enzyme that is secreted is lipase. lipase is secreted in the pancreas where it is moved into the duodenum through the common bile duct. lipase is also secreted by the intestinal walls of the small intestine.there are funger like projections called villi. between 2 villi there are glandular pits where the succus entericus is secreted.lipase is in the succus entericus along with other enzymes. lipase converts fats into fatty acids and glycerol.

Which type of enzymes digest fats and what does it digest fats into?

lipase and it turns into fatty acids

What releases lipase?

The pancreas releases lipase, which helps digest fats in the small intestine

Is lipase released by the gallbladder?

The pancreas releases lipase to digest fats

What does lipase digest fats into?

glycerol and fatty acids :P

Is protease an enzyme?

No, there is a great difference between lipaseand protease. lipase: digest fats and oils into glycerol and fatty acids. protease: digest protein into amino acids.

What is the definition of the term 'lipase'?

Lipase is a digestive enzyme that in humans is secreted primarily by the pancreas. Its function is to break down fats in the digestive system into fatty acids and other components that can be absorbed by the intestines.

Where would you find lipase in your body?

Lipase is produced in the pancreas, then excreted into the duodenum via the pancreatic duct. Once in the small intestine, it can proceed to break down fats.

Which organ produces lipase?

it's in the glands of the small intestine and in the glands of the pancreas which are the mammary gland or the pancreatic gland

What enzyme breaks down oils?

Lipases are the enzymes that cleave fats. Fats are known scientifically as lipids, so the enzyme responsible for its break-down is called lipase.

What does it mean to have Low levels of lipase?

Lipase is the enzyme that digests fats and oils (lipids). Low levels of lipase means the body cannot digest lipids. The affected person is most probably underweight, and cannot put on weight easily. Other symptoms are smelly & floating stools and gas.

What food types are broken down by these enzymes lipase?

Lipase breaks down dietary fats.