

Where was Khomeini in exile before he came back to Iran?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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11y ago

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He spent most of his exile period in the city of An-Najaf, Iraq. He also spent a year in Bursa, Turkey. However, just before he returned to Iran, he had been in Paris, France for four months.

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Q: Where was Khomeini in exile before he came back to Iran?
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What year did Ayatollah Khomeini take control of Iran?

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini was born in Iran. He went into exile on November 4, 1964 and came back on February 1, 1979, a few weeks after the Shah of Iran went into exile (on January 17, 1979).

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Exile is being forced to leave one's country or home. Voluntary exile is the departure from one's country due to political strife or dissension. Exile as a punishment is used by a state to remove disruptive citizens (this was the case of Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini). In some cases, notably that of Napoleon Bonaparte, a defeated foreign leader is banished or imprisoned to prevent his influence on his country's affairs.

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There was no one ruler of the Iranian Revolution but there were several major members of the revolution. The main was was the cleric Ayatollah Khomeni. He was preaching against the Shah throughout the whole revolution. The Shah actually exiled him from Iran but Khomeni still managed to preach against him because he sent tapes of his preaching back into Iran.

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during the Islamic revolution performed by Iranian nations and under leading of Imam Khomeini the late, U.S Government had many interferences in the interior affairs of Iran such that after the fining of Muhammed Reza Pahlavi from Iran, he settled to America. while U.S had known that Iranian people dissatisfied of Pahlavi and his rule, they protect the Shah. besides U.S government as a colonizer also steel the natural wealth and resources belonged to Iranian people. such a doings lead to cut relation Iran and America after islamic revolution. according to the such factors , imam khomeini could not trust the U.S since that that the past shows that they already betrayed. The US CIA led a coup d'etat in Iran in 1953, which overthrew the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadeq and installed an imperial dictatorship. It is the fact that the US meddled in Iranian affairs and was not reticent about it that caused Khomeini to doubt whether the United States would have an honest and sincere relationship with Iran. This was further worsened by the US failure to render the Shah (who was in exile in the US) back to the Iranian government for trial.

Did America supply arms to Iraq during 1986 war?

The U.S. did supply Iraq with arms in the Iran-Iraq War for officials assumed Iran the greater threat for their revolution in the '70s - '80s. We supported the Shah because despite his dictatorship, he opposed communism and the nationalist extremists. The Shah imprisoned and later exiled Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini who publicly condemned the U.S. government. In September 1980 Hussein invaded Iran, thinking it was very fragile, but to his surprise Iran was eventually able to push him back into Iraq. Khomeini returned to Iran and the theocracy (Islamic Republic) that Iran currently holds was put into place.

Who demanded the return of the shah in 1979?

The Iranian government led by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini ordered the United States to return the Shah to Iran after his surgery so that he could be tried (and certainly executed). The United States made clear that it would not send the Shah back to Iran to be killed.

How was the nation of Iran created?

Iran used to be called Persia but after the 1935 it was called iran because it's people called it Iran. Persia/ Iran has exhisted evr scince msopatamia and media or basicly 500 BC. Iranians have always kicked the invader out of thier land and got it back. But on 1979 the people got fead up over the pro-western dictator the shah and kicked him out he was replaced by ayatollah Khomeini. The people thought khomeni would make them free but he was just another dictaor.

What do you mean by exile?

Exile means to ban someone from a place; to not allow them back in.

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The US backed the Shah of Iran who was an authoritarian monarch.

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