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William Tecumseh Sherman was born February 8, 1820 in Lancaster, Ohio near the shores of the Hocking River.

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Q: Where was gen William Tecumseh Sherman born?
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When was the fall of Atlanta and sherman's march?

In 1864 NEW RESPONDENT Atlanta fell on Sept 1, 1864, when the Confederates under Maj. Gen. Hood abandoned the city to the advancing Federal forces of Gen. Sherman. Sherman's March to the sea, began on Nov. 15, 1864.

Who were the key people during the civil war?

Gen Robert E Lee - head of the Confederate army Jefferson Davis - pres. of the Confederate nation Abraham Lincoln - Pres. of the union Gen. Grant - head of the union army - heavy drinker Gen. William Sherman - believed in all out war - burned Atlanta to the rubble

5 important people from the civil war?

Union President Abraham Lincoln, General US Grant and Gen William T. Sherman; Confederate President Jefferson Davis and General Robert E. Lee

Did inisent people die in the civil war?

If by "inisent" people you mean "innocent"...then yes. They did. Civil War was the first war in which Total War (AKA: don't care if your a civilian or soldier, your a target for me!) could be considered to have been done. It was done by Maj. Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman, who traveled from Atlanta Georgia to the city of Savannah, Georgia. On the way he tore down any infrastructure and made sure to consume any supplies and burn down whatever was left unused. Sherman also stated that any resistance was to be met with unrelenting retribution....

Were General William Sherman's war tactics inhumane?

the best answer for this question in my opinion is another question, when an animal is injured beyond recovery, should you leave it to suffer or should you end it's suffering quickly? Men were dying at a rate never seen before in warfare so I believe Gen. Sherman's actions were warranted by circumstances.

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Who was the general that led March to the Sea?

Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman

Which union general waged total war in his march from atlanta to Savannah?

Ulysses S. Grant!. ANSWER William Tecumseh Sherman.

Who is the general that marched his troops through Georgia in 1864?

Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman

who was the union general was associated with neck ties?

Maj. Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman ~ see related link below .

Who is a famous Union General?

Gen Ulysses Grant was one of the most famous Union Generals. Others were Gen William Tecumseh Sherman, Gen George McLellan, Gen Ambrose Burnside, Gen George Meade and Gen Joseph Hooker.

What is the Sherman's March To The Sea?

Sherman's March to the Sea, more formally known as the Savannah Campaign, was a military campaign of the American Civil War conducted through Georgia from November 15 to December 21, 1864 by Maj. Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman of the Union Army.

Was General William T Sherman good friends with US Grant?

"General Grant is a great general. I know him well. He stood by me when I was crazy, and I stood by him when he was drunk; and now, sir, we stand by each other always."- William Tecumseh Sherman, asking not to be promoted to Lt Gen to rival Grant in 1864

Who said War is hell in the Civil War?

general. William T. Sherman of the u.s. army

Where did Gen Sherman watch the battle of Atlanta from?

William Tecumseh Sherman was a General in the Union Army. He worked under and closely with Ulysses S. Grant. He lead three different armies in to Georgia to have a win for the Union Army. It isn’t clear form where he watched the battle but it does indicate he was an active in the Tennessee Army.

Who won the battle of Atlanta?

The Battle of Atlanta, part of the American Civil War, occurred on July 22, 1864. The result of the battle was a victory for the Union.

Which union commander captured the city of Savannah?

The city of Savannah was captured by Gen. William Sherman on December 21, 1864, after its evacuation by the Confederate garrison.

When did general Sherman enter Columbia South Carolina?

The city of Columbia , South Carolina surrendered to Gen. William T. Sherman February 17, 1865 leaving the city open to Union forces to freely enter into the city .