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It is either New york, New Jersey, Massachusetts, or Rhode Island.

I am pretty positive it is Rhode Island though.

Hope I could help:)

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Q: Where was the first textile mills built in the us?
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What are the names of textile companies in the US?

General Textile Mills,Standard Textile Company,Orinoka Mills Corporation and Cone Mills Corporation are the names of the textile companies in the US.

Where are the most textile mills in the US?


Region of US where textile mills flourished?

New England

Where were the first textiles factories in Victorian times?

Worldwide the first textile mills started cropping up in England. As the years progressed Americans caught on. The first US textile mill was in Rhode Island. The American Textile industry was largely concentrated in Rhode Island, Massachusetts and New Hampshire. The Merrimack River was a hotbed for mills. Some still stand today in the cities of Lowell, Lawrence and Haverhill.

Where were most of the early textile mills in the US built?

Mainly in the eastern half of the US, cause the west wasn't explored yet. They were usually along rivers so that the water could be used as power. It was also more in the Northern half, like PA or NY.

In the early 20th century where could most of the US textile industries be found?

By the early 20th century, most of the US textile industries had moved to the south. North Carolina alone had 177 mills in 1900. Previous to this, most of the textile industries were located in the northeast.

How much of the worlds cotton supply came from the southern US?

By 1860, cotton fueled the Southern economy and helped the Northern textile mills. Two thirds of the world's cotton was produced by the Southern plantations. The northern textile mills were effected by the disruption of the US Civil War in that by 1860, mills sold $100 million worth of cloth made from cotton.

What percentage of England's cotton came from the US in 1860?

In 1860 the textile mills were heavily dependent of US cotton imports. Seventy-five percent of England's cotton came from the US.

How were people in US able to built the first factory?

A British factory worker named Samuel Slater memorized the plans of the British machines and moved to the U.S., where he wrote a letter to a wealthy merchant, who gave him money to develop the first machine. Americans started building textile mills after his wife came up with created a way to make thread stronger.

How did working in the textile mills affect the lives of young American?

Working in the textile mills was good for young female Americans because it employed more people. In the beginning, Samuel Slater snuck into America from England and gave us the plans for factories. He built the first one in Pawtucket, Rhode Island in 1790. At first he hired eight children from the ages of 7 to 12 although he did only pay them a low wage, they were still making the money. Afterwards, Slater built a larger mill and started to hire whole families. Their wage was considered good then. However, their wages lowered because of falling profits.

The first textile factory in the US was started by?

Samuel Slater

How did the cotton gin and textile mill alter the curse of relations between the notheren and southern regions of the US?

Samuel Slater brought the secret of textile mills to the north and many mills popped up in New England. Lowell, Massachusetts was the central city for textile production. Young women worked long hours in the mills. They were controlled by bells, and created a close community.Eli Whitney created the cotton gin that made it easier to clean cotton and produce it in greater quantities. Cotton became important in the textile industry and was in great demand. Growing cotton was an easy way to get rich and became important to Southern Economy.