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I don't think there was a treaty to end WW2 - it was an unconditional surrender by the German The German army in Italy surrendered unconditionally on 29th April 1945; 4 May, the German High Command surrendered to General Montgomery all the German forces in north West Germany, Denmark and Holland. On 5th May - German armies north of the Alps capitulated. Also on 5th May - the commander in chief of the Germany Navy arrived at Reims in France to surrender to General Eisenhower. On 7th May 1945, Germany surrendered unconditionally, signing a capitulation with a number of Generals from all the various allied armies. The bombs stopped and the guns stopped firing at midnight, 8th/9th May 1945.

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Q: Where was world war 2 treaty signed?
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What treaty was signed that ended world war 2?

the treaty was called "the treaty of versialles" or "the peace treaty".

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What was the name of the treaty treaty signed ending World War 2?

There were no treaties signed to end WW2. Germany and Japan signed instruments of unconditional SURRENDER.

What treaties were signed in World War 2?

There was no official treaty signed, but Japan surrendered, and Germany collapsed.

What was the pre war agreement signed by Germany and the USSR in world war 2?

Nader treaty

When was the treaty signed in World War 2?

Different countries signed the treaty, the signing started in 1941 and ended in 1954, I hope this answers your question.

When did MacArthur sign the peace treaty after world war 2?

The treaty that ended WW2 was signed August 14, 1945.

Which treaty ended World War 2?

It was not a treaty that ended World War 2. The German signed unconditional surrender documents with Russia and the rest of the Allied forces. The Japanese also signed unconditional surrender documents with the Allied Forces. The Allied Forces then took occupation of Germany and Japan for up to seven years. The Versailles Treaty was the treaty that ended World War 1.

Is it true that Russia and Japan have not yet signed a treaty ending World War 2?

Italy and Germany surrendered in WWII. Japan signed a treaty ending WWII.

Where was the treaty that ended World War 2 signed?

On board the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay.

What was the exact date that World War 2 finished?

treaty was signed on 2nd of september 1945