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Q: Where would you find albino channel catfish suppliers for ponds?
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Related questions

Do catfish live in ponds?

Yes. Some catfish do prefer moving water such as a river or stream, but most species are able to survive in ponds or lakes.

What ocean do catfish swim?

Catfish do not swim in the ocean, they are found in rivers, creeks, and fresh water ponds.

Do you find catfish in the ocean?

you can find them in the ocean but also in ponds and rivers.

What is the perfect conditions to catch a catfish?

For catfish some bodies of water are much more prone to have trophy fish than others. Small ponds for instance may have large amounts of Catfish but will rarely have any true trophies. Bodies of water that hold Flathead Catfish and Blue Catfish are much better places to fish for a true trophy than a lake that only has Channel Catfish for instance

What are catfish pellets made of?

Catfish feed on pellets that float on top of the ponds. The pellets are made of a mixture of soybeans, corn, wheat, vitamins, and minerals.

How do catfish adapt to there habitat?

Catfish have adapted to their habitat in several ways. Catfish have a really good sense of smell, their whiskers help them to feel around in the low depths of the ocean, and they have also adapted to needing less light to live.

What bait do you use to catch lagemouth bass in ponds?

you cant catch a lagemouth catfish you can catch a largemouth but not a lage mouth

What eats catfish that live in ponds?

It varies on the type of pond your talking about. But most likely aligators. crocidiles,eels, anything willing.

Does diuron 80 DF kill cattails in ponds?

Generally, no . . . but there are exceptions . . .

What eats catfish in KY farm pond?

Rivers otters are widely distributed in ponds, lakes rivers and streams throughout North America. They are carnivores that can decimate catfish populations in a matter of days. I've witnessed otters floating on their backs while eating catfish "like eating corn off the cob".

Can catfish survive in ponds?

You could try putting it in a fish tank (Larger type) and giving it an enviorment such as one like the place you caught it. For me, we have catfish in our lake, so you could try keeping it in a tank that is cold and let the algae grow a bit. Then, you could just feed it fish flakes.

How does catfish find food in the habitat?

Catfish find their food overwhelmingly by smell - they have very poor eyesight. When fishing for catfish, the most foul smelling, disgusting bait you can come up with will give you the best results, as a rule.