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A:Acts of the Apostles is widely considered to be a history of the early Church. However, Uta Ranke-Heinemann (Putting Away Childish Things) speaks for many New Testament scholars when she says the whole of Acts is a simply a work of Propaganda. A:actually, all the new testament books speak on this subject but you are probably thinking about the book of Acts.
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Q: Which Book of the New Testament tells what happened to the Church after Jesus went to heaven?
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How many times does Jesus mention the Church in the New Testament?

Jesus mentions 'the church' 18 times in the New Testament.

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The old testament is all what happened before the coming of Jesus, the new testament is after jesus came and died.

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New Testament fulfills what was written about Him in the Old Testament.

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The term "Christian Church" is a broad term that encompasses various denominations, including the Orthodox Church. The Orthodox Church specifically refers to the Eastern Orthodox branch of Christianity, which follows a distinct tradition, liturgy, and governance structure. The main differences between the Orthodox Church and other Christian denominations lie in their theological beliefs, practices, and ecclesiastical authority.

What is the Old Testament of the Bible about?

it is about what happened before the birth of Jesus

How many times does CHURCH appear in the Old Testament?

As far as I know the church was started by Paul in the new testament. And not in the old testament. At that time in the old testament they had the temple only. And Jesus also never did built a church in his life time.

How many times in the new testament does Jesus mention heaven?

The precise number of times Jesus mentions heaven in the New Testament can vary depending on the translation used. However, it's generally agreed that Jesus refers to heaven approximately 70 times, with most of these instances occurring in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Why did Jesus not have a New Testament?

Jesus could not have had a new testament because it was not written until many years after his death. The first New Testament was written about five to fifteen years after he had died, and risen, and gone to heaven.

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It is not the church you belong to that determines if you go to heaven or not. What determines if you go to heaven is that you believe what God has said about His Son Jesus Christ and have accepted Jesus as your personal Savior. The best place to find what God has said about His Son, Jesus is in the four Gospels in the New Testament of the Holy Bible. In short, Jesus Christ died on the cross of Calvary for your sin, He was buried and was resurrected the third day. All who believe in Him will be saved. Not just a head belief, but a heart belief.

What happened to Jesus after his death according to the New Testament?

Jesus rose three days later!

What happened in the Old Testament that was important for Jesus to come at the particular time that He did?

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What is the didifferent between Old Testament and New Testament?

The Bible is comprised of the Old Testament and the New Testament. The New Testament is part of the Bible. The Bible is made up of 66 books: 39 in the Old Testament and 27 In the New Testament.