

What fish need oxygen in water?

Updated: 10/9/2023
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12y ago

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No fish likes to be in bad water although there are some species that have developed methods of surviving in these bad low Oxygen conditions. The Anabantid family which includes the Betta and the Gouramies have developed a "Labyrinth" which allows them to get oxygen from the air by means of a chamber in their skull are some that can survive in poor water conditions. You should still follow the basic rules of fish keeping if you want to be successfull keeping fish. The rules are. :-1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water. :- Every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. :- Every tank needs at least 50% of its water changed every week. If you keep to the above rules, and feed the fish good food it/they will stand a chance of living a normal lifespan. If you fail in any of them I can guarantee that your fish will be constantly getting sick and will have a very short lifespan.

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It depends on the fish. Lungfish can survive indefinately in low oxygen, because they breath from the surface.

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Of course all fish need oxygen even puffer fish....

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Gills carry oxygen fish need directly from the water

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Food water oxygen

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Fish live in the water, so generally they only need food. But they get their oxygen from the water through their gills, so they will need the water to have dissolved oxygen at a proper level.

Where do fish the air they need?

Fish do not need air they need Oxygen which is a component of air. Nature always tries to balance things out so the surface of the water (meniscus) allows the transfer of gases. CO2 goes out into the air above and O is absorbed by the water. Plants also make Oxygen and use up Carbon dioxide. The fish have gills in which the membranes do the same thing as our lungs.

Why can't fish breathe on land?

The fish hasgills that they use to filter from the water the oxygen they need to as you say "breath" ,so when you put them on land there gills are not working anymore by filtering the water for oxygen because there is no water it's as you know just air (oxygen) so there gills are still trying to work but there is no water to filter oxygen for them.

Why do fish die when taken out of the water?

Fish, like us, need oxygen to live. However they have gills to taken oxygen from water, whereas we have lungs to take oxygen from the air. Therefore, when fish get taken out of the water, as they don't have lungs they have no way to take in oxygen, so they die.

Do fish need to breahe under water?

Fish process the oxygen in the water through their gills. They suck in water and as they push the water out of their gills, the gills retain the air. This is why fish tank require pumps; to circulate the water and create oxygen.

Does guppies need air?

like all fish they do. Their gills get the oxygen they need through the O (oxygen) in H2O (water).

What substance does seawater contain which fish need for breathing?

Basically, gills and oxygen in the water. The fish will die if any one are missing.

You think you drowned your fish is it possible?

Kind of. Fish need to breathe water to get oxygen. If they can't breathe, or if the water has too little oxygen dissolved in it, the fish will die from lack of oxygen (I would say suffocate; you may say drown).