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Q: Which act did not include The Intolerable Acts?
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What did the Americans call the coercive acts?

Intolerable act

What two acts made up The Intolerable Acts?

The Coercive act and the Quebec act became known as the Intolerable acts.

What was the colonists name for the Coercive Act?

the colonists nicknamed the coersive acts the intolerable acts..

What acts were included in the Intolerable Acts?

The 4 intolerable acts were the Stamp Act, Quartering Act, Townshend act, and the Tea Act.

Was the stamp act apart of the intolerable acts?

no, it was before the series of Intolerable acts.

Why was the intolerable acts signed?

the four laws of what the intolerable act?

Did the sugar act happen before the intolerable acts?

Yes. The Sugar Act was a few years before the Intolerable Acts.

What was not included in the so- called intolerable acts?

The Stamp Act, passed in 1765, was not one of the Intolerable Acts.

What is intolerance act?

the intolerable acts is an act of intolerance.

What where four taxes that the colonists disliked?

The British made acts that added taxes for the colonists. The taxes include the Sugar Act, the Stamp Act, the Townshend Acts, The Intolerable Acts, the Tea tax, and the currency act.

Why does the intolerable acts have two names?

the colonists called it the intolerable acts but it was formally known as coercive act

What came first the intolerable acts or the quartering act?

There were two Quartering Acts. The first one, The Quartering Act of 1765, was enacted before the Intolerable Acts. The second Quartering Act of 1774 was one of four acts considered part of the Intolerable Acts. Both acts were practically the same in legislation.