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The Ninth amendment; The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

the amendment #5

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Q: Which amendments states that the people have other rights that are not spacifically stated in the constitution?
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What does the Bill of Rights has to do with the constitution?

The Bill of Rights are the first 10 amendments to the Constitution that guarantee individulal rights for the people.

Why did they make the amendments?

The Amendments were written to protect the states and the people from a too-powerful federal government.

Why was the constitution written to allow amendments?

to give people rights.

Even if they are listed in the Constitution the rights of the American people?

The Bill of Rights are the primary rights of the American people. They are considered basic. They are a part of the constitution. Additional rights are included in the amendments to the constitution.

What was related to the Bill of Rights?

The first ten amendments to the Constitution

What is the difference between the bill of rights and the constitution?

The Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution. It is the name for the first ten amendments of the Constitution.

What was added to the Constitution that explained the rights of the people?

Bill of Rights, the first 10 amendments.

What is the Bill of Rights to the US Constitution?

The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the US Constitution.

The Bill of Rights is the name of which document?

the Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution

What was added to protect the rights of people?

The first 10 amendments to the constitution known as "the bill of rights"

How has the constitution been amended to expand the amount of people who are involved in government and how has the constitution been reinterpreted to expand the rights of the people?

The Constitution has been amended by adding the Bill of Rights (amendments 1-10) and adding amendments 11-27.

What part of the Constitution contains the Bill of Rights?

The Bill of Rights is in the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights is what we call the first 10 amendments to the Constitution.