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Guinea pigs, humans.

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Q: Which animals do not produce their own Vitamin C?
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What kind of vitamin c do animals need?

Most animals bodies produce their own vitamin C. A few creatures (guinea pigs, one species of fruit bat and a few others) including people need to get their vitamin C from their diets.

What do hamsters eat to get vitamin c?

well they are allowed to eat oranges i read that in a book but it also said they can produce their own vitamin c

Which vitamin can cavies not produce?

Vitamin C

Does sunlight produce Vitamin C?

vitamin d

Which animals is unable to synthesize vitamin c and will become deficient without supplement?

Guinea pigs must have a source of vitamin C in their diet. They are unable to synthesize their own.

Why don't chicken eggs contain vitamin c?

There are some animal sources of vitamin C but that is usually the liver since most animals synthesise their own (unlike humans which need to supplement it). This is why we need to eat fruits and vegetables to get our vitamin C since most of us eat muscle meat which is not a good source of vitamin C. An egg which has not been developed will not have any vitamin C as it is not yet a living creature and does not need or synthesise it's own. A cow's milk has no Vitamin C since cows synthesise their own vitamin C, but human milk does contain it since we do not and our babies will need the supplemental vitamin C.

Why does people get scurvy when they lack vitamin c?

Scurvy does not occur in most animals because theycan synthesize their ... Scurvy or subclinical scurvy is caused by the lack of vitamin C. In modern Western societies, scurvy is rarely present in adults, although infants and elderly people are ...meat from animals which make their own vitamin C(which most animals do)

Lack of vitamin C in the diet interferes the ability of fiber blast to produce collagen what effect might be interfers have own connective tissue?

If there is a lack of vitamin C you will have slow healing and scar tissue.

What supliment do guinea pigs need because thir boddies cant produce it?

Guinea pigs can't produce vitamin C on their own and must consume it. Foods such as fruits and vegetables contain a lot of vitamin C and are needed in the guinea pigs diet.

What type of vitamin does a shark's liver produce?

25000 mg of Vitamin C

Why vitamin c is not a vitamin for dog?

'Normal' Vitamin C is too acidic and can often give a dog an upset stomach. You can give a Calcium based Vitamin C which I believe is called Ester C. Most animals, including dogs, make their own vitamin C in their livers from glucose. Therefore, unless a dog's liver is severely compromised, the dog will make all the vitamin C it needs whenever the need arises.

Can tigers get scurvy?

animals can synthesize their own vitamin C.Although certain animals can not and therefore can suffer Scurvy. Such animals would include Guinea Pigs and certain Primates.