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Fish are an obvious animal with no legs but there will be water snails who have a foot but no leg and probably many more creatures too.

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Q: Which animals in the pond community does not have legs?
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What is a community in a pond?

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What is the main source of energy for a pond community?

(1) plants (2) Sun (3) pond water (4) animals

What is pond community?

A community around a pond. Alternatively, when a community is purchased, then sold for a lower price.

What is an'ecosystem'?

An ecosystem is a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment. So for example, fish who live in a pond have their own ecosystem. The pond will have the food and other animals needed such as algae, and other life that survive in a pond.

What do you think these animals live together in the pond community?

The animals that live together in the pond community have some sort of interdependency. There is a relationship between such animal some have symbiotic relationships while others have predator-prey relationships.

What do pond animals eat?

Pond animals eat many things including insects, plants, and other animals

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Does protozoa provide food for pond animals?

Yes, eaten 'live' or consumed as part of the detritus on the pond floor, the protozoa do provide nutrition for pond animals directly or indirectly by nourishing plants that pond animals feed from.

What is the ecological niche of bacteria and fungi in the pond community?

They act as decomposers in a pond .

What is a pond system?

A pond community is a lot of sea life that can live in fresh water living together all in one community.