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Q: Which area has the highest population of people of African descent?
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Which area has the highest population of people of African descent in South America?

That is probably Salvador in Brazil with its capital Bahia.

What is the black or people of African descent population in Mexico?

There are many people of African descent (i.e: "Afro-Mexicans"). Now largely assimilated in the general population, they have historically been located in certain communities in southern Mexico. They comprise 2% of the general population (1-2 million).

How many black people live in US?

It is estimated that 12% of the population is of African American Descent

Are the people of new guinea of African descent?

Guinea is in Africa. New Guinea is not, and if there is any African connection to its population it would surprise me greatly !

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People of European descent ("white people") form only a minority of the world's population. There are a larger number of people who are of Asian, African, or mixed descent ("people of color").

Why is Niger different to Guatemala Dominica Zambia?

There is almost 0% African Population in Guatemala, most people is of spanish descent.

What role did Africans play in the Bible?

People of African descent play a pretty significant role in the Bible as many of the people in the Bible were of African descent.

The Pan-African movement sought to?

unite people of African descent worldwide

How many people of African or African descent are in the world?

Tooo many to count.

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Why did white people be racists to black people?

Some whites were racist to blacks because they believed that people of African descent were inferior to people of European descent.

What was one goal of panafricanism?

For people of African descent around the world to help each otherFor people of african descent around the world to help each other