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Q: Which blood type cannot receive Antigens?
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Does Type B blood have A antigens?

No, type B blood does not have A antigens. Type B blood has B antigens.

What are antigens determining blood type carried on?

Antigens, by definition, cause the body to produce antibodies which act against them. You inherit certain antigens which are on your red blood cells. Sometimes these antigens are absent from your RBC. If you are type B, you have B antigens. Type A has A antigens, AB has AB antigens and type O has no antigens. If you are type AB, you can receive AB blood from some one else.

What kind of blood will you have if you have B and O in your blood?

If you have the genotype BO, you will have blood type B. This means you will produce B antigens. You will also produce Anti-A antibodies, meaning you cannot receive a transfusion of type A or AB blood.

What is the blood type that contains antigens a and b?

Type AB blood contains both A and B antigens. This allows the person to receive blood from types A, B, O, and AB.

How might a technique to remove A and B antigens from red blood cells be used to increase the supply of donated blood?

That would be extremely useful if it can be developed. There are four types of blood: AB, A, B, and O. They are classifed by the antigens that they have. Type O blood has no antigens but it does have anti-A and anti-B antibodies, so it can only accept type O blood (although since it has no antigens, it can give blood to anyone). Type A blood has A antigens and anti-B antibodies so it can't accept any blood with B antigens in it (such as type B or AB). Type B blood has anti-A antibodies and can't accept A or AB blood. Type AB has A antigens and B antigens so it can't donate to any other blood besides AB (although it can receive any type of blood). If everyone was type O blood, and didn't have any antigens, then every type of blood would be able to receive it because the antibodies wouldn't have any antigens to react with so it would be accepted by anyone.

What kind of antibodies does type AB have?

Since that person has anti-B antibodies, then A antigens are present in her red blood cells. Since that person doesnt have anti-A antibodies, then there are no B antigens present, which means the person has A type blood.

What is the blood type that has no antigens?

Type AB blood has no antibodies, so people with this blood type can receive blood from A, B, AB, and O types,

Why blood type A can receive blood from type AB?

A can donate to A because they are the same type. To donate from an A to an AB requires a little more effort. Every person's blood, except for AB blood has antigens which mark blood with "additional letters" as foreign, prompting their destruction. For example, type A blood will have anti-B antigens, type B blood will have anti-A antigens, and type O blood will have both anti-As and anti-Bs. However, AB blood has neither because it has both A and B. However, if blood from an A was put directly into an AB person, the anti-B antigens would begin to attack the AB's native blood, which would cause a number of problems. Therefore, the A blood must first be cleaned of antigens before being able to be donated. A cannot donate to O or B because those people have anti-A antigens in their bloodstream and would just keep making it (even if you found a way to remove all of their current anti-A antigens). This would lead to the body attacking the new blood as opposed to using it.

What traits does the blood type A have different then blood type B?

blood type A has type A antigens. blood type B has type B antigens.

Does a person with type O blood have A or B antigens on the red blood cell?

No antigens.That is why they are the universal donors and anyone can receive their blood.

Why is blood type O blood not a universal recipient?

Blood type O can only receive from other blood type Os, because of reactions to the A and B antigens from Blood Type A, Blood Type B and Blood Type AB.

What blood type has no antigens?

Previous answer: 0 blood type has no antigens.My improved answer: the Bombay phenotype has no antigens.O blood group has H antigens (but does not have A or B antigens), whereas in the Bombay phenotype blood group, even the H antigens are absent.Glenn LowNUS Life Sciences Studentsimmune system