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In my opinion, the Chinese Dwarf Hamster is the best. It isn't truly a dwarf but it is the size of one. It is very timid and never bites. I have had two. I currently own one. I recommend a female though. This breed isn't very common due to it's high demand. If you live in California don't get this breed because it is illegal there. Don't have two males/females with each other in the same cage though. Males will fight to the death 7/10 of the time and females 9/10 of the times. They are nice to humans though. I STRONGLY recommend a female Chinese Dwarf Hamster. Hope this helps!

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Winter white hamsters are a species of dwarf hamsters. They are very rare, but beautiful hamsters. They turn a white in the winter and darker in summer. Not many pet shops sell winter whites, as they are uncommon.

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Q: Which breed of dwarf hamster is the best for kids?
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What is the best pet for a 9 year old?

I suggest something from a hamster to a dog... It depends on the kid and what pet you would want in your house. I think a hamster because they are a good size for kids (You may want to watch your kids when they hold it... they jump) but not a dwarf hamster.. Teddy bear hamsters are great pets. Guinea pigs and rabbits are also great if you want something smaller than a dog

Is a teddy bear hamster a dwarf?

definitley syrian. they live longer and are waaay less wild then dwarf hamsters. the dwarfs we used to have batted bit and were wild. the syrians and teddy bear hamsters we had were calm and easy to take care of. First time owner: don't hold your hamster for the first couple of days or they may get wet tail :)

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if you want only one hamster buy a syrian one. if you want two or more i'd prefer if you buy the winter white or dwarf type. by estherbella*

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GOLDEN RETRIEVER If by nicest you mean frendliest,best with kids,and only licks then yes the golden retriever is the best dog breed ever

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i think that dwarf rabbits are the best because they dont bite unless you phisicly do something mean or hurtful to them but i think they are cool

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the best type of breed is a yellow lab very nice with kids and very nice and gentel also a very fun dog to play with its mans best friend

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the best type of breed is a yellow lab very nice with kids and very nice and gentel also a very fun dog to play with its mans best friend

Are dwarf hamsters ok for kids 10 and up?

Yes they are, but you should be mindful that they are very small and wriggley so can easily get dropped or lost. A better choice might be a Syrian hamster as they are slightly bigger and easier to handle.

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What hamster is the best for kids?

The hamster breed that is best with children is probably a golden bear hamster. Sometimes called the "Teddy Bear Hamster." You should Google Search Images of the Golden Bear Hamster.

Who is the fastest runner a mouse or a hamster?

This depends on what type of hamster it is, how old it is, if it's overweight, underweight or if its big or small. Dwarf hamsters like the Russian Dwarf hamster (I have one) tends to run fairly fast. I think this is because of it's small body and light feet! Though when it comes to bigger hamsters, like Golden hamsters (used to have one) they run at a normal speed. So not too fast, yet not too slow. Though, just because it's slower, doesn't mean it's safe to let it out because you think you can catch it. You'll be surprised at how fast hamsters run when in danger! There's such thing as safer, but never safe... even hamsters!Anyways, hope this helped!~StarC_303It depends, but a Mexican Running Hamster has been know to clock in at 2km/hr.