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Strength training and weight training also burn fat, although not as much as aerobic. A good exercise program will incorporate all and not just depend on aerobic.

Also, eating a good balance of macronutrients helps your body to get out of "famine" mode (its need to store fat) and allows it to better burn fat. The 1-2-3 ratio is good--1 part fat, 2 parts protein, 3 parts carbohydrates, 5-6 smaller meals daily.

Incidentally, you need carbohydrates to help protein synthesis--and by carbs, I mean good quality complex carbohydrates!

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Exercises that burns most fat are those that get your heart rate up and keeps it up most consistently, so aerobic is a better burner than strength training.

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Q: Which burns more fat- aerobic or muscle exercise?
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Anaerobic exercise, such as weight training, is great for getting rid of flab, especially those trouble spots like belly fat, underarm flab, and flabby thighs. Anaerobic exercise builds muscle more so than aerobic exercise, which mostly burns fat.

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the bigger your muscle becomes, bigger consume of energy after exercise. After aprox. 20 min of exercise you will use your energy from the fat, and if your intake of energy is less than your consume, is just math. Muscle doesn't build fat (it burns it) and muscle weighs more than fat. If you became a body builder and had good muscles and then years later didn't bother to keep up your exercise regime this is when the muscle would turn to fat. Muscle cannot turn to fat. But if you do not continue working it you will lose muscle mass and burn less calories. If you do not eat less or exercise more to compensate for this reduction in muscle mass than you will gain weight back in the form of fat.

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Aerobic exercise improves the ability of the heart to supply the rest of the body with blood by increasing the volume it can pump. The heart as a muscle does not get stronger from this type of exercise, rather it becomes more elastic and the volume of blood it can move increases. The lungs have no contractile muscle fibers themselves but they are attached to your diaphragm which is a muscle and can be exercised and strengthened like any other one.

Would individuals who carry out regular aerobic exercise suffer less muscle discomfort during intense exercise than other individuals?

Well it all depends also. They would suffer less muscle discomfort because aerobic exercise is all about flexibility, and taking your time. Intense exercise requires more muscle movement depending on the person who is exercising also since each person has different modes. hope that helps :)

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Aerobic exercise positively affect your muscular system. The more you incorporate aerobic exercise, the more you tone your muscles, helping them become lean.

What builds more muscles in the shortest period of time - aerobic exercise or weight training?

Weight training will build more muscle in a shorter time frame.