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Q: Which class of hormones are polar and hydrophilic?
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Is the polar end of the phospholipid plasma membrane hydrophobic or hydrophilic?

A polar molecule is hydrophilic, which means that it will easily dissolve in water. Examples of hydrophilic molecules are sugars and salts.

Hydrophilic compounds polar or non polar?

Hydrophilic compounds are polar or ionic and this is the reason for attraction of water towards these substances.

Is phosphate hydrophilic or hydrophobic?

The phosphate group is polar. Therefore it is Hydrophilic.

What does hydrophilic mean and how do you determine if a molecule is hydrophilic or hydrophobic?

Hydrophilic, or 'water loving' refers to molecules that are easily miscible in water. Polar molecules and ionic compounds are generally hydrophilic, and non-polar molecules are generally hydrophobic.See the Related Questions to the left for more information about how to determine if a molecule is non-polar, polar, or ionic.

Is ATP polar?

No, ATP is hydrophilic

Is OH hydrophobic or hydrophilic?

OH (the hydroxide ion, or alcohol functional group) is strongly polar, and is thus very hydrophilic.

Do glycolipids have hydrophilic heads?

Glycolipids contain hydrophilic heads. These hydrophilic heads interact with each other and form a hydrophilic coating on each side of the bilayer point towards the polar solvent.

What are ions and polar molecules termed?

Hydrophilic and hydrophobic respectively.

Is DNA hydrophilic molecule?

Dna has a hydrophilic and hydrophobic side, also you have to remember that DNA is a polar molecule

What are polar drugs and non polar drugs?

The process of metabolism transforms lipophilic drugs into more polar(hydrophilic), readily excretable products.

What is Hydrophilic Enzyme?

An enzyme that likes water, due to the fact that the enzyme is a polar molecule. Much like the hydrophilic head of the phospholipid bylayer.

The head of a phospholipid can be described as?

Hydrophilic or water-loving. The head of a phospholipid is attracted to water.Hope this helps!