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Coiled electric wires inside a toaster(:(:(: SWAGGERIFFIC(:<3

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Q: Which common household item does not directly create heat energy?
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Which energy source does not create pollution directly?

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What are three applications which are common in household homes where electrical energy is converted into movement energy?

A vacuum cleaner, a washing machine, a fan

Why convert mechenical energy in electrical?

One reason is that it is much easier to transmit electricity over long distances, than to directly transmit mechanical energy. Another is that many of our modern household devices work directly on electricity.

What common household appliance uses more energy than NASA voyager signal?

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What is the common use for glucose?

To Breathe, create energy, and source of oxygen

How do you not get energy directly from the foods you eat?

because the energy comes from the sun, plants absorb energy, an animal eats the plant and then we eat the animal. The animal didn't create the energy.

What do photosynthetic organisms have in common?

All photosynthetic organisms create energy from sunlight.

what trait do cows and grass have in common?

They both get energy directly from the sun

Why did Arthur Manam create the solar panel?

To create a energy efficent way to produce energy using a common item. He had the idea of the sun because it appers everywhere on the planet.

What do all photosynthetic organisms have in common?

All photosynthetic organisms create energy from sunlight.

How much water would it take for a dam to create enough energy to operate a single household for 24 hours?

It's pretty obvious that the answer must depend on both the depth of the waterand the relative profligacy of the household's energy use. It could plausibly rangeover several orders of magnitude.

What cell would you expect to find only in autotrophic organisms?

Autotrophic organisms are animals or plants that can create their own energy from the Sun. The organelle most common in these organisms are chloroplasts.