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Asia, Europe and North America all have shorelines on the Arctic Ocean.

The continent closest to the North Pole is North America (in Greenland).

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Q: Which continent is closest to the Arctic Ocean?
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the arctic ocean is = closest to what? =

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Here are the countries that touch the Arctic Ocean Norway Russia Alaska Canada Greenland (they're also the five countries that have Polar Bears) Although these are the countries closest to the arctic ocean they are not the closest to the south arctic ocean for there is no such thing as the south arctic ocean. The arctic ocean is in the NORTH.

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The arctic ocean. The North pole is just frozen ocean.

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The Arctic Ocean.

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The Arctic Ocean.

Which ocean is closest to the the North Pole?

The Arctic Ocean.

Arctic is not a continent?

No, the Arctic is not a continent. The Arctic used to be a continent, however, it split. Today, the Arctic is an ocean, named for the continent that used to be where it lies today, at the northern portion of the Earth.

What continent is the arctic ocean by?

The Arctic Ocean is above North America, Europe, and Asia.

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It depends on what continent it is. If the continent is North America, the North Atlantic Ocean is northeast, the North Pacific Ocean is northwest, and the Arctic Ocean is north.

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Which continent has more land the Arctic or Antarctica?

Antarctica has more land than the Arctic. Antarctica is a continent surrounded by the Antarctic Circle, while the Arctic is a region surrounded by the Arctic Circle and consists of mainly ice-covered ocean with some landmasses.