

Which countries lost World War 2?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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12y ago

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The Axis Countries lost World War II, being mainly Germany and Japan along with a few satellite countries indoctrinated by Germany such as Italy and Hungary. Contrary to popular belief, the Soviet Union stands for more than 85% of the damage done to Axis forces in World War II having defeated the Kwatung Army of Japan in 1945 (which constituted the vast majority of Japan's army) and BRUTALLY waging war against the Germans in a ferocious war lasting from 1941-1945. Virtually all experienced, elite, and well-equipped troops were sent to Russia. By the time the Allies invaded Normandy, Operation Bagration war already taking suit which basically annihilated a third of the German army. Before that, Kursk, Moscow, and Stalingrad were HUGE crippling blows and made Germany lose millions. Compare that to the Normandy invasion of 200,000 U.S. vs around 80,000 Germans and the Allies inflicting only a few tens of thousands of deaths, it doesn't even compare.

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