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Q: Which country brought Christianity and europaen European diseases to the new world?
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What did Christian missionaries bring to China?

They brought Christianity and knowledge of European science and technology, such as the clock.

Why were the Spanish able to conquer the incas and the Aztecs?

They brought European diseases with them.

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Native Americans were more likely to die from the diseases that European settlers brought to America because they had less immunity to these diseases than the settlers did.


They brought Christianity and knowledge of European science and technology, such as the clock.

Disease brought to Australia by European explorers?

Diseases that affected Aboriginals that also began wiping them out

Who brought Christianity and disease to the new world?

Europeans, although diseases did exist in the new world before the Europeans arrived. They just brought more.

What was the European effect on the indigenous people?

European exploration caused Native Americans to lose much of their land and exposed them to new weapons, beliefs and lifestyles. It also exposed them to European diseases that their bodies weren't accustomed to, leading to the deaths of millions of Native Americans from disease.

Name two technological advancements the missionaries brought to china?

the missionaries brought Christianity as well as 2 European inventions, including the clock and the prism.

What two inventions did Christian missionaries bring to China?

They brought Christianity and knowledge of European science and technology, such as the clock.

How did the arrival of European settlers affect native American societies?

the native Americans brought germs and diseases to the europeans

What describes an important change to European society brought about by the Renaissance?

European artists began to create works that focused on topics other than the Bible and Christianity.

What statements describe a change brought about by the Renaissance?

European Artists began to create works that focused on topics other then The Bible and Christianity.