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Q: Which country did President Clinton order air strikes against in December of 1998?
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In which country was president Clinton goal to use force to end ethnic cleansing?


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Bill Clinton was the 42nd President of the United Statesfrom 1993 January 20 to 2001 January 20.

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"Iran's appetite for acquiring and developing nuclear weapons and the missiles for delivering them" continued to grow, and that "Iran has broadened its role as an inspiration and paymaster for terrorists," President William Clinton imposed a trade embargo against that country in May, 1995 answer: President William Clinton *PENN FOSTER pg 517

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Hilary Clinton is our current Secretary of State. She advises the president on foreign affairs across the country and helps keep our country safe.

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President Clinton's goal to use force to restore a democratically elected leader to power, was enforced in Haiti.

What country represented a personal failure to President Clinton after turbulent events in that country unfolded?

President Clinton considered the events in Rwanda as a personal failure. The genocide that occurred in 1994 resulted in the deaths of around 800,000 people. The US did not intervene, and Clinton later expressed regret for not taking action to prevent the mass atrocities.

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Something that made Mr. Bill Clinton such a great President was that he did not put us in debt but in g=fact gave the country a multi-million $ surplus.

Where did President Bill Clinton take steps to end ethnic cleansing?

The country in which President Clinton employed the use of force to end ethnic cleansing was Serbia.