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France and Great Britain (and most of the commonwealth countries) declared war on Germany as a result of their invasion of Poland.

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Q: Which country had a treaty with Poland that caused them to join World War 2?
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Because of a treaty with Poland what country was immediately drawn into World War 2 with Hitler's invasion?


What country was attacked begin world war 2?

Poland was the first country to be attacked during World War 2. In fact, the Germany invasion of Poland was what CAUSED World War 2.

What did hitlerdo to World War 2?

Adolf Hitler caused World War 2 when Germany invaded Poland. The British and French allies honored the treaty of Versailles with Poland, and World War 2 began.

Which country caused World War 2?

It wasn't any single country. Germany missed the empire they had lost, and resented the terms they had to agree to in the Treaty of Versailles. But there were lingering bad feelings and unfinished business left over from World War I, all around. Hitler's invasion of Poland

The invasion of what country started world war 2?

The invasion of Poland by Germany in Europe in 1939 caused the start of World War II. It was the line drawn in the sand.

How was World war 2 was caused?

The immediate cause was Germany's invasion of Poland in 1939, but there were many underlying causes of the war, most which dated back to the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles after World War I.

What 2 conflicts were named world wars?

World War 1 and World War 2. World War 1 was caused due to assination World War 2 was caused due to Invasion of Poland, Allies not stopping germany from blackmailing countries and breaching the agreements of the treaty of Versailles.

Why did Britain help Poland durning World War 2?


Why did England and France become involved in World War 2?

Had a treaty with Poland

What country World War 2 had been started in?

World War 2 essentially began in Poland when Hitler invaded it. It was a violation of the Versailles Treaty. This resulted in countries declaring war on Hitler.

Is Poland third world country?


Did the Nazis start World War 2?

The Nazis invaded Poland and this was the start of World War 2. Other countries declared war on Germany because of what they did to Poland and because he violated the Treaty of the Versailles.