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Argentina holds that distinction. Such plains are known as the Argentinean Pampas.

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Q: Which country in Latin America has large plains where cattle is raised?
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What are the chief animals raised in Paraguay?

Paraguay is a country in South America. The chief animals raised there include: cattle, chickens and pigs. The most common livestock is cattle.

What animal was raised in large numbers on the Great Plains by the white man?

Cattle and sheep are still raised in large numbers on the Great Plains.

When were cattles raised?

CATTLE is the plural for cow. CATTLE are still raised and have been since way before America was discovered.

Where is most of America's food and cattle raised?


What is the major industry of the Midwest that depends on the cattle and pigs that are raised and fattened there?

Cattle are raised primarily in the Midwest and Great Plains in farms covering thousands of acres under conditions known as "feedlots". Hogs are raised under similar conditions, but because they are raised within buildings, there are hog operations across the country rather than concentrated in one general area.

Where are beef cattle raised in Kentucky?

In the country, obviously, wherever horses can also be raised.

What helped cattle ranching in the great plains?

Cattle ranching on the plains led to grasslands being stripped and the land becoming drier than ever. Bison herds were decimated. Eventually there were so many cattle being raised on the plains that a bad winter saw many of them die of starvation and the cold.

Where does north America get most of their cattle from?

Other cattle. Cows and bulls that are raised for reproductive purposes are kept to produce calves which grow into cattle which are raised for meat production or as replacements in the breeding herd.

Where were cattle raised?

Cattle are raised on farms. Their existence is important because they are usually raised asÊlivestock and these are used in our daily needs.

What animals were raised at San Gabriel Mission?

Cattle were the animals that mostly were raised at missions

What are cattle raised for?

Mostly for beef and/or dairy. Cattle are also raised to keep the grass down in the pastures or on an acreage where they are raised as a lawn ornament.

Why are cattle and sheep raised in the Australian Outback?

The country in that area is very rough and rugged, a little more so than the rugged areas that are used for ranching in the United States and Canada. It is better used as country for cattle, sheep and brumbies (wild horses) to be raised and grazed on, than for growing crops or raising hogs, chickens and dairy cattle on.