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It depends on the region. In the southwest it is spread by several sources. Racoons, skunks, bats and coyotes. Never ever touch a bat dead or alive and always question why a skunk or raccon is wandering around in broad daylight. Most northern sates are not as affected by rabies and have only one strain coming mostly from wild animals/stray dogs in the summertime.

In Texas Rabies is epidemic, year round and there are several strains. It's proximity to Mexico where rabid coyotes and dogs regularly cross the shallow Rio Grande. There have been summers so bad that animal control authorites are ordered to shoot all stray dogs on site whether or not they are wearing tags. In winter time the Raccoons and skunks are whats called "reserviors" or carriers of rabies so the rabies virus can survive through to the spring. Bats in caves year round will sometimes have a rabies infection rate of 100% and one can catch it just by breathing the air in the cave. Also in epidemics animals not know to carry Rabies will have cases. Such as horses and hamsters.

Rabies isn't just spread by bites. Unvacinated kittens eating from a dish that a rabid skunk ate out of night before. Rabies symptoms are not always the ferocious dog foaming at the mouth. They can be lethargic or fearfull, or show no symptoms at all.

Please Allways ALLWAYS keep your pets up to date on rabies vacinations. Keep a collar with a current tag on your dog and cat at all times especially if it spends time outside. Do not allow your dog to run loose. Use caution dealing with stray kittens or cats. And especially do not pick up an injured or young wild mammal with your bare hands. Use traps, nooses and crates, etc if you must. If you live in urban area and a wild animal is hanging around your home - call the anmal control authorites imediately. Do not attempt to deal with it on your own.

I could go on and on. But basically you just cant be too carefull.

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12y ago
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10y ago

It is almost always transmitted through saliva from the bite of an infected animal.

People usually get rabies when they are bit by an infected animal. It has been known to happen, though it is rare, where saliva of the infected animal enters the persons: nose, eyes, mouth, or an open wound. Any mammal can get rabies. The most common carries are: raccoons, skunks, bats, foxes, and coyotes. Domesticated animal can also carry rabies: Cats, cows, and dogs are the most frequently reported as being infected. Certain mammals such as possums, opossums and platypuses have a body temperature too low to be able to harbour the rabies virus.

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14y ago

children are most likely to get it

if you want to know what (animal) gets rabies most often, that would be a rodent of some nature - then to bigger animals. Mice, rats, squirrels, raccoons, cats, dogs etc.. It depends on what the carrier gets a hold of.

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13y ago

You can get it from wild animals such as stray dogs. Or they did not get their shots.

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15y ago

China. However, virtulally no country apart from the US and Canada keeps consistent records, so almost all country-level data is approximation.

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11y ago

Rabies is found in the saliva of animals that have caught the rabies virus. Tipically this is only found in wild animals.

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13y ago

India has the most cases of rabies per year.

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14y ago

on the east coast by racoon's. very little from dogs. and very slim chance of getting one from a bat. same on the west coast. mostly raccoon

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14y ago

In Georgia county

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