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First off it's not the fur that bothers a person with Allergies. You have to be sure it also suits your family's routine. An Italian Greyhound can be hyper (they are great racers) and high strung. They need quiet and I wouldn't class them as a good dog for a child. The other choice is a Bichon Frise'. They don't shed. They are white and can weigh in at 16 - 20 lbs. (easy to keep clean) and should be bathed twice in the winter (you want to keep their skin as natural as possible and not dry it out by bathing them so much in the winter) and in the summer they should be bathed every 3 - 4 weeks (unless they get muddy.) These little dogs are full of fun and comical as heck (I own one.) They love to be with family and if brought up with your child will be his/her's best buddy. They have curly hair and if Bichon Frise's are groomed to show in breeding contests they have a powder puff face. My husband and I don't care for this look so we have her body shaved just like a sheep. She looks so cute and I call her hair "angel feathers" because that's just what it looks like. Her hair on her face is cropped, but not too short and she has the face of a bit like a cute Cocker Spaniel. They are energetic, smart and full of fun. We have had so many good belly laughs from this dog. They are great protectors of the family's home (will warn you with a bark or growl) and a no nonsense attitude (and they do have attitude) if a stranger should enter the house. Although they don't bite when anyone comes into the house they will growl and keep a keen eye on that person until they are satisfied you have accepted this person into your home. These dogs are full of love and will give you cuddles and kisses galore. Excellent dog for children. Before getting any dog please see your specialist about this and discuss it. It would be heartbreaking if you got a dog for your child and then had to give it away. Dogs are used a great deal to help in many areas of life. Inmates in prisons are calmer when given a pet; dogs and cats are used in nursing homes for the elderly (and the elderly love it!) Dogs are used for the blind, deaf, and also used to get through to problem children when humans can't reach them. Now dogs are being tested for detecting cancer in people (just like a dog sniffing out drugs at an airport.) Please type in: Then Type in: Pictures of Bichon Frise' Also ask Google: good dogs for children with Asthma and allergies Please, don't get a tiny dog as these little dogs are more lap dogs and not the rough and tumble kind that children should be playing with. You will get some idea of what these little dogs look like. They are not delicate as some other breeds are and other than a poodle this is an excellent dog for your child providing the specialist thinks it's a good idea. Shih Tzu's are wonderful dogs for those with asthma and allergies. They love to play, but love to relax too. They are small (range from 10-20lbs). They have a wonderful temperment. They are great around children and easy to train. Definetly a Shih-Tzu. I am allergic to dogs and cats and I am not allergic to shih-tzus. They do not shed; very clean dog. Labradoodles are great they are half Labrador and half Poodle but look like a Lab. Half and half is good for minor allergies. But for bad allergies you need 3/4 Poodle and 1/4 Lab.

Silky Terriers do not shed and make really good pets. My brother's allergic to dogs and we've got a Silky cross and he never sneezes.

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Q: Which dogs are good dogs to have besides poodles if your child has allergies and asthma and are Italian greyhounds a good choice?
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What is a list of dog breeds that do not shed a lot?

most terriers (Cairns, Schnauzers, Westies), Poodles, Lhasa Apso, Italian Greyhounds, pugs, pitbulls.

Why do poodles make good pets?

because poodles are good for kids with allergies and they don't shed. there very smart and nice,they love to be played with and loved.

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I think this is a very, very good question. Usually, when you get a mix with a poodle, they are hypoallergenic. But sometimes when you get a dog that's mixed with a poodle, there is too much of the other dog that you want to breed with the poodles, and you may have allergies. I have two pure poodles and poodles are just great. If you want a dog and are worried that you may have allergies, get a poodle and you will be very happy with him/her. Some people just don't like the silly haircuts that you do to poodles but I don't do that to my dogs. That style is just for shows.

Are poodles good for allergy sufferers?

Poodles are wonderful for allergies! Because they shed low in the summer. There is no such thing as a dog that does NOT shed. All dogs shed but like i said before, the poodle sheds low. Another word for this low shedding is hypoallergenic. Poodles are the most recommended dog for people with severe allergies to dogs.

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greyhounds are the fastest dogs so they are faster

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Beagles have fur. Therefore it usually upsets allergies. Dogs like poodles have hair, which make them great for people who have animal allergies.

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Usually lean, sleek dogs such as Whippets, Bedlington Terriers, Greyhounds, Mini Poodles, Yorkies. But it can suit all dogs if they are in shape. camarillo

Are Greyhounds related to Afghan Hounds?

Yes. Greyhounds and poodles are the exact same species, a domesticated canid, Canis lupus familiaris, descended from wolves. The reason they look so different is due to artificial selection - we've bred them for specific traits, both physical and behavioural. But on a genetic level the two are the same species.

Can poodles take Benadryl?

No they cannot. Poodles cannot take any human medication. If your dog has allergies, you will need to speak to your Vet who can prescribe you a reasonably priced antihistamine.

What does consider good for allergy sufferers mean?

Poodles are good for people with dog allergies, because they don't shed and are often considered hypallergenic.

Are poodle mixes hypoallergenic?

There is actually no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog. Poodles do not shed, and this helps with allergies. It is still possible to be allergic to poodles, though. If the poodle is mixed with a shedding dog, the dog may shed. It just depends on what dog the poodle is bred with.

Are toy poodles really poodles?

Yes. Toy poodles are really poodles.