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Q: Which element has 4 valance electrons in its l shell?
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Why does sulfur have a valency of 4 and 6 when it needs only 2 electrons for stable configuration?

It has 6 electrons in it's valance shell and needs 2 more electrons in it's valance shell to become stable. Some atoms, phosphorous for instance ( valance # 5 ), can reach deeper into their valance shell and make additional covalent bonds.

How many valance electrons are present in silicon?

4 electrons in the outer shell 2-8-4 electron configuration :D

How many valence electrons are in TiO2?

The electronic configuration of Tin is [Kr]4d10 5s2p2. Valence electrons are the electrons on the outermost shell of the neutral atom. Since the outermost shell is the 5th one, we have 4 valence electrons (2 of s and 2 of p)

Each carbon atom can share 4 pairs of electrons because a. It only has 6 protons. b. It only has 2 electrons in its first shell. c. It only has 4 electrons in its last shell. d.?

because it has 4 valance e- or 4 e- in it's outermost shell

How many electrons are in the outer shell of copper?

The outer shell (N=4) of the copper element has 2 electrons.

How many valence electrons does a sulfur atom have?

Both have six valance electrons. That is what the number at the top of their column means.

Describe how ionic bonding works?

Ionic bonding is an intermolecular attraction force within the structure, it is the resultant force when a metal and non-metal element comes together to share their electron. What happens is that Metals are eager to give away their valance electron in order to stabile itself. All metals have the tendency to give away their valance electrons to a non-metal element, A metal has between 1 to 4 electrons in their valance shell, which makes them quiet reactive and unstable, so they tend to give them away. Non-metals have between 5 to 7 electrons in their valance shell so they are eager to adopt free electron from a metal element to complete its outer shell. Ionic bonds are polar, meaning they are multi charged compounds, they are soluble in water

Do all carbon atoms have exactly 6 atoms?

No it doesn't, it has four electrons in its valance shell, which is why it has a valance of four, which is to say, it typically forms four bonds. In carbon dioxide, for example, a carbon aton has double bonds with each of two oxygen atoms, hence four bonds in total. In methane, a carbon atom has a single bond with each of four hydrogen atoms, hence four bonds again. There are also two electrons in the inner, or non-valance shell. So, six electrons in total. But only four in the valance shell.

How can the number of core electrons be detemined from the periodic table?

Take carbon as an example.Carbon, indicated by it's atomic number, has 6 electrons. The number at the top of carbon's group is the number of valance electrons. Carbon has 4 valance elections.6 total electrons - 4 valance electrons= 2 core electrons in carbon=====================(try another element yourself to see this process )

What a period 3 element with 4 electrons in its outer shell?


Where are the valence electrons in an atom?

In the outermost shell that has electrons in it, those are called the valence electrons. For example carbon has 6 electrons, but only 4 are valence electrons because there are 2 in the shell in between it and the center of the element and 4 on the outside shell.

Why does carbon become stable after sharing four electrons?

Since carbon has 4 valance electrons, if it shares all 4, it then has a full outer shell of 8 electrons, which is a stable configuration, in accordance with the octet rule.