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Lactic Acid. The overall name of the burning feeling is lactic acid fermentation:-)

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Q: Which end product of fermentation causes the burning feeling in muscles that are working hard?
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What type of fermentation has lactic acid as an end product?

Lactic acid fermentation. This type of fermentation occurs when your muscles need more oxygen for energy, so fermentation gives your muscles a little extra energy.

Which type of fermentation causes muscle soreness?

Muscles use aerobic respiration to metabolize the energy they need to function. When they have insufficient oxygen to metabolize all the energy they need, they use anaerobic respiration in the form of fermentation. The Lactic acid which is created as a by product of fermentation builds up in the muscles and causes soreness.

A boxer has been jumping rope for an hour. His leg muscles are burning and he feels weak. Which of the following most likely explains the burning he feels in his muscles?

Lactate buildup

Where and why does lactic acid fermentation take place?

Lactic acid fermentation takes place in the mitochondria of muscle cells.

Is carbon dioxide a sign of fermentation?

It can be. It is a product of alcoholic fermentation.

How are alcholic and lactic acid fermentation different?

lactic acid fermentation helps make yogurt, cheese, and it also occurs in muscles which is why you may get that burning sensation in your legs while excersizing. Alcoholic fermentation makes wine and bread using yeast.

Compare and contrast fermentation that occurs in human muscle cells and in yeast cells?

In yeast cells, the fermentation that occurs is alcoholic fermentation, in which O2 is changed into alcohol. They produce CO2 which is what makes bread rise, and wine and beer. In muscle cells, CO2 is not released as a waste product and the cells produce lactic acid. Have you ever felt a burning sensation in your muscles if you held something heavy with your arm straight? That was your muscles producing lactic acid. Fermentation occurs in muscle cells because they are being worked more with the same amount of oxygenated blood. Therefore they cannot produce ATP with the Kreb's Cycle and have to resort to fermentation (an anaerobic process - meaning without using oxygen) to keep themselves from dying.

What groups are responsible for creating carbon dioxide?

Carbon dioxide is the product of organic materials (and carbon) burning or is released in the thermal decomposition of carbonates, fermentation etc.

A boxer has been jumping rope for an hour His leg muscles are burning and he feels weak Which substance is the most likely cause of the burning he feels in his muscles?

The burning sensation in the muscles is likely caused by lactic acid.

What happens to muscles when there is not enough oxygen?

oxygen debt. more oxygen is needed than what is being supplied. the body then begins anaerobic respiration (the cells "breathe" for you). a result of anaerobic respiration is lactic acid. lactic acid is that soreness feeling you get after a hard workout

What happens when your muscles cells run out of oxygen?

Cells that do not require oxygen go through anaerobic respiration, which is a form of cellular respiration that uses fermentation to turn energy into useful energy. There are two types of anaerobic respiration, lactic acid fermentation and alcohol fermentation. Muscle cells do this when they run out of oxygen and go through fermentation instead. The product of this type of fermentation from muscle cells is lactic acid. Lactic acid is toxic and causes soreness and fatigue. Anybody who has been sore after exercise has experienced lactic acid fermentation.

What is the product of fermentation in yeast?
