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Q: Which enlightenment thinker had the most to say about women's rights?
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Which enlightenment thinker wrote the most about women?

Mary Wollstonecraft wrote about the rights of women more than most other Enlightenment thinkers

Which enlightenment thinker had the most to stay about womens rights?

Diderot was one of the primary Enlightenment thinkers who discussed the rights of women. Three women who attempted to speak out but were pushed aside because they were women included: 'Mary Wollstonecraft from England, Olympe de Gouges of France, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton from the American Colonies.' (Quote retrieved from a personal paper.)

What statements would Enlightenment thinker John Locke most likely have agreed with?

John Locke believed in natural rights and that people could govern themselves.

Which enlightenment thinker had the most influence American government?

john Locke

Which Enlightenment thinker had the most influence on American government?

John Locke

Which enlightenment thinker had the most influence on your founding documents?

John Locke

Enlightenment thinker had the most influence on the government of the US?

john Locke

Which enlightenment thinker had the most influence on the government of the united state?

john Locke

What Enlightenment thinker was an atheist?

Most of them were probably Atheist by today's standards, but to answer the question Spinoza....

Who was the most influential thinker from the enlightenment?

In my opinion, John Locke was the most influential enlightenment thinker because of his opinions of people's freedoms and government's role in society. His take on the social-contract theory shaped our government and his ideals are reflected in the Declaration of Independence. He thought the government ruled by permission of the people, and if the government was intruding on our inalienable rights, (life,libery,property) then we have a right to overthrow or change the government.

What would Enlightenment thinker John Locke most likely have agreed with?

People should earn their own power and wealth.

Which of these statemnts would most likely be made by an enlightenment thinker?

Logic and Reason should be used to solve social problems