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Grape Juice or cranberry juice

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Q: Which flavorful drink has the least amount of calories?
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What pop has the least amount of calories?

Some diet sodas have 0 calories.

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Tertiary consumer has the least amount of energy.....

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How many calories does the average American Drink daily?

An average person should be drinking at least 32oz of WATER a day; although 64 is the ideal amount (pop doesn't count it actually dehydrates you).

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Amp Energy drinks.

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What is the least healthiest drink in the world?

A Certain Heath Milkshake With Over 2,000 Calories And 1 Half Cup Of Sugar

How many calories in a Starbucks tall cinnamon dolce latte?

With 2% milk and whipped cream, there are 270 calories. With 2% milk and no whipped cream, there are 200 calories. The various types of milk and whether nor not you get whipped cream change how many calories are in the drink. Getting the drink with nonfat milk and no whip is the least fattening calorie wise; it contains 160 calories.

What is the least amount of calories you can eat that wont slow down your metabolism?

the least is the amount your body burns + the amount of activity you do.. It's called your BMR base metabolic rate it's calcutated by your current weight height and age.. google it then if your completely lazy all day long that's how many calories you need to eat.. for your organs and body to survive.. activity makes your body burn and need more calories

What food has the least amount of protein?

Egg white is a protein with few calories. There are approximately 17 calories in each large size egg white. .

Whats the least amount of calories to eat a day?

Even when trying to lose weight, there is a minimum number of calories per day which should be consumed to stay healthy. For women, that number is 1,200 calories per day. For men, the number is 1,500 calories per day.

How can you lose 3500 calories or 7000 calories per day?

well, first don't eat a lot, second drink plenty of water, and third (you may not like it but,) EXERCISE for at least 1 hour!hope this helps :)