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Q: Which foods help if depressed
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What foods are good for depression, and what foods should I avoid?

Fish oils, which contain Omega-3, may help overcome depression by adding to the fatty acid often lacking in the brain of depressed people. Cabbage and brown rice may also help. If one is depressed emotionally because of their appearance, it might be best to avoid high-calorie foods like cake.

How can you help your depressed parents?

Pray for them.

How to find group therapy for those who are depressed?

There are many government supported agencies that will help you when you are depressed.

How do depressed young women get into bodybuilding?

They start going to the gym, workout on their bodies, in addition to eating healthy foods. They also read some self help books in order to get through their depression.

Can you become depressed from eating unhealthy foods?

Depression is caused by a chemical imbalance. There are no foods, vitamins, or herbs which cause or cure it. However, when you're depressed, you don't take good care of yourself. It's common to eat unhealthy foods when depressed, and unhealthy eating can make you feel more tired and sluggish. So it does not make you depressed, but it does not make you feel any better, either. The best way to handle depression is to make yourself eat right and take care of yourself.

What foods to avoid when depressed?

one word. chocolate. once you start eating it you wont stop, i gained 2 stn while being depressed and comfort eating

When you are depressed can you get sick from depresstion?

Yes and go get help .

Does eating fruit help depression?

Anything that is healthy will help! There are no foods that cure depression, but eating right is a good start. When you are depressed, you don't take good care of yourself, and this makes you feel even worse because you are not healthy. Eating more fruits and veggies will certainly help you with that end!

Does medicine really help people who are depressed?

Yes, in most depressed people they help. But as with most psychiatric medications they can take up to 6 weeks for the effects to really appear.

How can I help my depressed teenage son?

You'd be surprised what talking to your depressed son might do. Have a dinner together and talk about what is bother him. If that doesn't help, maybe some family therapy.

My boyfriend is depressed how do i cope with it I really love him?

If your boyfriend is depressed and you love him you should try to convince him to get help. He can see his doctor to talk about the depression and possibly get some medication to help him. It can be hard to cope when someone you love is depressed. Just be strong and be there for him and let him know that you care.

What foods will stop you from being depressed?

No foods are guaranteed to take depression away; however, foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids have been known to promote mental health, such as broccoli, salmon, almonds, and spinach.