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Treadmill. On a treadmill you power your body, on a trampoline you are using the stored elasticity of the trampoline to power your body. Time to strap on he Reeboks and get running!

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Q: Which gives a better workout a treadmill or a trampoline?
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What type of treadmill gives you the most intensive cardio workout?

All treadmill would give you approximately the same type of cardio workout. To increase your workout, you may want to choose a treadmill that allows you to walk fast or to walk "uphill".

Why do you get shocks from the trampoline?

The static energy generated from the trampoline bed when people are bouncing is released and gives you a static shock

Do trampolines help strengthen your leg muscles?

Everyone knows trampolines are fun, but not everyone knows that there are many benefits of jumping on a trampoline. Both adults and children can benefit from regular exercise on a full size trampoline or a rebounder (a small trampoline). Physical Benefits There are many physical benefits to jumping on a trampoline. They include: A cardiovascular workout - Jumping on a trampoline increases the heart rate and gives your heart, a very important muscle, a great workout. A workout for the muscles - A great workout for the feet muscles up to the stomach muscles occurs when bouncing on the trampoline for even a few minutes. Weight loss - The combination of cardiovascular exercise and the strengthening of the muscles contributes weight loss. As muscles strengthen they aide in the increase of the metabolism which helps to burn fat. The cardiovascular workout burns calories. By jumping on a trampoline for 20-30 minutes 3-4 times a week, weight loss can occur. Improved flexibility - Jumping on a trampoline strengthens and lengthens muscles improving flexibility. Increased bone density - Exercise can strengthen bone density as well as muscles. Increased bone density helps to prevent broken or fractured bones and osteoporosis. Improved joint, tendon and ligament function - The strengthening of joints, tendons and ligaments can help to reduce the chances of some forms of arthritis and lessen the pain in some arthritic joints. Development of balance and coordination - Balancing on a trampoline is unlike balancing on anything else. The trampoline floor is constantly moving and jumpers must be aware of their center of gravity at all times. The balance learned on a trampoline helps improve balance in other activities. Improved posture - Along with improved balance, jumping on a trampoline can improve posture. Development of motor skills - The brain is forced to function bilaterally when a jumper is in the air. Both sides of the brain and both sides of the body must work together to maintain coordination and balance when on a trampoline. This increases motor skills.

What makes a trampoline boncy?

The 'bounce' of a trampoline is generated by the movement of the trampoline springs, situated around the frame of the trampoline and connected to the trampoline bed. The more trampoline springs that a trampoline has, the better bounce the trampoline will generate. The quality and effectiveness of a trampolines' bounce is also impacted by the amount of movement there is on the bed, more weight again generates more bounce.

Where can I find a reliable treadmill review site?

Here is a great link for you. Not only does it have reviews about the top nine treadmill brand carriers, it also gives you some information about what to look for when picking out a treadmill!

What are some of the best rated home treadmills?

One best home treadmill is called a Horizon Fitness T101 Treadmill. It has a 300 lbs user weight limit, a lifetime warranty. The treadmill gives you the distance you traveled, the calories burned, and how much time you were on the treadmill for.

What is involved in a plyometric workout?

Plyometric workout is a type of workout that generally focuses around fast and powerful movements. It's a popular workout for athletes, as it not only gives them a workout, but helps them improve their speed and quickness.

Which store give the best treadmill deals?

The store which gives best treadmill deals will depend on who has promotions on. Amazon is always competitive though. Sears and Bestbuy are also worth a look.

What exercise machines offer exercises to help lose body fat fast?

If you would like to lose body fat quickly, you would need to do a lot of cardio exercises. The treadmill is one of the best ways to lose weight because it works out your whole body and gives you a great cardio workout.

Why do adults participate in sport?

Because it's fun and it gives them a workout.

Is running on a treadmill better than running outside?

Advantages of a treadmill is that you can do it in a controlled, and safe enviroment. No traffic, no weather, maybe even a/c. Another advantage is that you know exactly how hard/soft the surface will be. Downside of treadmill is that some people find it terribly boring, and also that you tend to get stuck in a very even rhythm, which means that you'll get less payoff from your training. Running outside gives a natural variation to your pace, which is good for fitness.

Are Treadmills good exercise for you?

Treadmills are great for you to use for cardiovascular exercise and burning fat. You can burn more calories the faster you run or the longer you stay on the treadmill. You can explore the different programed options on your treadmill and find what works best for you. I recommend the burst training exercise, and intense cardio workout which my personal trainer had taught me. I would start on speed 6.0 and run for 45 seconds. I would step out on the sides and rest for 30 seconds before running again but with an increased speed of 7.0. I would repeat this process increasing the speed each time until I reach 10.0. Once I have reached 10.0 I would work back down decreasing it to 9.0 until I have reached 6.0. The burst training exercise is an advanced style of running on the treadmill. Once you get used to a particular style of exercising on the treadmill, it is good to increase the speed, time, or incline to continue to challenge your body to burn more calories.