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The goat herder who loans you his Jeep is out to catch the chupacabra when you visit Puerto Rico the second time (the first time you took back the fur sample).

His brother, the chicken farmer, suggests that you herd three spotted goats into the rocks at Snaggletooth Rock (center star) to serve as bait. Once you do, meet the herder there who has set up the trap.

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Q: Which goat herder has the supplies to get the chupacabra on Cryptids Island?
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What do you do after you test the fur on cryptids island?

Go back to Puerto Rico, where the herder is planning to catch the chupacabra with a crate and some chains. Drive to Snaggletooth Rock (center star) and herd the three spotted goats into the grassy area with the jeep. They will lure the chupacabra. Get out and join the herder as you wait for the creature.

How do you get the fur from the chupacabra on Cryptids island?

On your first trip to Puerto Rico, drive the jeep to the house of the herder's brother (right side star). He says some fur on the fence is from the chupacabra. Take it back to run a DNA test, but it turns out to be from a wild dog.

How do you find a trap on cryptids island?

The only trap on the island is provided by the goat herder at Puerto Rico. You can help him try to trap the chupacabra. On your first trip to Puerto Rico, get the fur from the chicken farm fence (right side star). When you analyze the DNA, it is not from a chupacabra. Go back to Puerto Rico, where the herder is preparing the trap. His brother suggests that you use the jeep to herd three spotted goats into the grass at Snaggletooth Rock (center star). The chupacabra will be lured there by the goats. Drive there, get the three goats into the rock, and then get out and see the herder.

How do you put out bait for the chupacabra on cryptids island?

The chupacabra can only be lured (using three goats) on your second visit to Puerto Rico. On the first, you have to get the fur from the barbed wire at the herder's brother's chicken farm (star at the right on the jeep map) and take it back for analysis. When you return, the herder is planning to trap the chupacabra. His brother suggests that you use the jeep to chase three spotted goats into the clearing at Snaggletooth Rock (center star). The chupacabra will come after them if you succeed. When all three are in the grass circle, get out of the jeep and join the herder.

Where do you get the bait for the chupacabra on cryptids island?

The chupacabra can only be lured (using three goats) on your second visit to Puerto Rico. On the first, you have to get the fur from the barbed wire at the herder's brother's ranch (star at the right on the jeep map) and take it back for analysis. When you return, the herder is planning to trap the chupacabra. His brother suggests that you use the jeep to chase three spotted goats into the clearing at Snaggletooth Rock (center star). The chupacabra will come after them if you succeed. When all three are in the grass circle, get out of the jeep and join the herder.

Where is the chupacabra fur on cryptids island?

In Puerto Rico, the goat herder's brother has a chicken farm, at the right hand star on the jeep map. There is some fur on the barbed wire fence. Collect it and analyze the DNA at the Mews lab. (Unfortunately it is from a coyote. Return to Puerto Rico and talk to the herder and his brother. You can help catch the chupacabra at Snaggletooth Rock - center star on the map.)

Where do you get the three spotted goats on Cryptids island?

The three spotted goats at Snaggletooth Rock (center star) are going to be bait for the chupacabra. On your first trip to Puerto Rico, get the fur from the fence at the chicken farm and take it back to the mews lab for DNA testing. When you return to Puerto Rico, the goat herder is setting a trap for the chupacabra at Snaggletooth Rock. Use the jeep to chase three spotted goats into the grassy area there, then join the herder to wait for the chupacabra.

How do you get the three spotted goats on cryptids island?

On your first trip to Puerto Rico, all you can do is get the bolt cutters (upper left star) and the fur from the fence (right side star). When you return from testing the fur, you find the herder is out to catch the chupacabra. His brother fills you in, so you go to the Snaggletooth Rock (center star) and herd 3 of the spotted goats into the area as bait. Then you get out and wait with the herder for the chupacabra to come.

Where is the goat herder on cryptids island?

There are several goat herders and farmers at Puerto Rico on Cryptids Island. The first one is where you arrive, and he loans you his jeep to look around. The second is his brother (the chicken farmer) at the first star on the map. He thinks a chupacabra has attacked his chickens, and there is indeed fur left on the barbed wire fence. There are two other herders. There is one at upper left who has his goats in his house. You can find his bolt cutters if you climb the pegs at right. The one at lower left has his goats in a huge stack, and gives you a clue about the chupacabra. The fur, however, proves to be from a coyote. On your second trip, the herder prepares a trap for the chupacabra. Drive your jeep to corral 3 spotted goats into the area of Snaggletooth Rock (center star on the map). Then get out and join the herder there.

How do you pass the fur identification on cryptids island?

Collect the fur from the fence at the farm of the herder's brother (right side star) at Puerto Rico. Take it back to show to Mews. Follow the steps on the DNA testing carefully. Unfortunately, the fur is from a coyote. Go back to Puerto Rico, where the herder is going after the chupacabra himself.

Where is the goat herder with the trap on cryptids island?

On your second trip to Puerto Rico (the first time you get the fur), drive the jeep to herd 3 spotted goats into the place the chupacabra was spotted, the rocks at the center star. Then get out and meet the farmer, who has prepared a trap.

How do you get the chupacabra to come out on Cryptids island?

On your first trip to Puerto Rico, you get some fur that turns out to be a wild dog's fur. On your second visit, the herder comes up with a plan to trap it at Snaggletooth Rock (center star). You have to use the jeep to herd 3 spotted goats into the spot in front of the cave. You get out and you'll meet the herder there. He has already set a trap and you wait behind the rocks. You will catch the chupacabra in this large crate. Things don't work out as planned, but you do get proof of the chupacabra to take to Mews.